The Night Stalker

Choi and Dajlia approached the man with the military haircut at the back table. Not to look out of place, Choi asked a server if they had soju. The server gave him a blank stare.

“I guess not,” Choi said. “Give me a cold one, then. Do you have Yuengling?” The server nodded they had it. “Also, a burger and fries.”

The server looked to Dahlia. “I don’t suppose you have kosher wine.” She got the same blank stare. Dahlia just shook her head and ordered a red wine. She didn’t order food; if they had no kosher wine, most likely no kosher food.

When Choi gave her an inquisitive look, she said, “I’ll eat some of your fries. They’re kosher.”

Choi wondered if she was crossing a boundary again, but pushed it aside. He turned his attention to the man, since the server departed the table.

“So,” Choi began, “You asked us to meet you here? I also understand you visited the theater with another mentioning some Greek goddesses.”

"I was not with that guy, but I would suggest you go meet him at the library at night when you have the time. He will only meet you at night. I came to the city to investigate the disappearances. There have been a lot of disappearances, I know that personally. My wife Gail........... She disappeared several years ago. I'm thinking some of the obvious." The man would lower his voice in a whisper. "Paranormal activity In this city could be related to the disappearances around the world, specifically it could be related to the way the British city of Ealdwic fuctions. Some say that that city that the Templars control can switch places, even though it is a part of London, It can almost move to different dimensions on its own. I've been doing some research, There is also another place you can look into called "Crouch End." in the United kingdom. It is similar to Ealdwic. Give this CD to your hacker friend."

"I guess I should introduce myself, I'm a reporter. A journalist. I work online with my partner Tony Vincenzo. We run the Independent News Service. The INS is a website that is affiliated with the larger Saucer Watch. I am a member of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment out of Fort Campbell Kentucky. You should look us up. you might want to share that info with your team as well. My name is Carl Kolchak. Nice to meet you. "

Choi’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Kolchak? Yeh, I’ve heard of you. Some people call you the Night Stalker. Now, if anyone can tell you about Ealdwic, it would be her.”

Dahlia shrugged and coyly stayed, “Merely rumors, Mr. Kolchak.”

Choi wasn’t sure if Dahlia was telling the truth or not. “So,” Choi said, “who is the other guy? What do you two suspect at the theater. Our own investigation found some paranormal activity.”

Agent Powers and Ekaterina quietly watched Choi and Dahlia talk to their source. Eventually the waitress came by with their drinks so they occasionally sipped on them as they observed everyone in the bar.

"We are night stalkers, We are a unit, we operate together. We fly together, we can both pilot helicopters as well as fast rope down to an area and act similar to Delta Force if need be. The other guy, you can only meet him at night. He is here for a completely different reason than I am. However; perhaps I could lend my expertise if you need it. It's Modius Tollens." said the helicopter pilot.

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