The Yellow Wallpaper

Joint post by Jaxx and MDMan with Colt45

The Yellow Wallpaper looked as if it was crumbling off the walls. The bar was aptly named. There were about 20 to 30 patrons in the bar, every single one of them was at least carrying a sidearm in this dangerous city and in a state where open carry was legal. Everyone in the city was paranoid. In the back of the room sat The man with the military haircut. X's "I Must not Think Bad Thoughts." played over the sound system that clearly hadn't been updated in a long time. The man was clearly surveying his surroundings looking for any threat.

Agent Powers looked around with a smolder as he entered the bar. He quietly scanned the room for any troublemakers. Ekaterina elegantly looked around as she had her insect minions sneaking around in the shadows as her extra eyes and ears. She then asked Choi, “Do you have a plan in case this goes south?”

Choi gave a nervous grin. “That’s why I’ve got backup,” he joked.

Dahlia asked, “Yeong, you still have the 9 mil?”

Choi gave an affirmative nod. “Among other things,” he admitted. “What about you guys?” he asked Powers and Kat.

Agent Powers gave the team a smolder then said, "If this turns to a gun fight, use me as a human shield. I'm kinda bullet proof." Ekaterina elegantly raised an eyebrow at Agent Powers and elegantly asked, "I know you are strong but, are you really bulletproof Mr. Powers?" Agent Powers gave her a smolder and a smirk as he replied, "As long as it smaller than a grenade launcher, yes." Ekaterina was a bit shocked as she elegantly nodded and smiled at Dahlia as if she got the better pick of the two men.

Choi snickered at Powers. “He’ll most likely chew up the bullets and spit them back at the person who shoots at him.” Yeong remembered the glass vials on the last mission.

Dahlia motioned to the bar with her head. “I’ll go with Yeong to talk to the guy. You two get a drink at the bar, look natural, and come to our aid if we need it.”

Choi grinned. “I agree. Enjoy the night until you are needed. Get yourself something to eat Powers. I’m sure you need to refuel.”

Agent Powers nodded as he replied, "Sounds doable." Then he made his way to the bar and looked around. He was wondering what to order since he was to young and not allowed by his father to order booze. He looked perplexed as he was looking the bar over. Ekaterina elegantly smiled as she nodded and followed Agent Powers to the bar. She elegantly asked, "Feeling peckish Mr. Powers?" Agent Powers gave her a smolder and replied, "As a matter of fact I am. Any suggestions? I don't usually dine at bars." Ekaterina elegantly smiled and replied, "Then I'll order something for us." After getting the waitress's attention she ordered some hot wings, fried cheese, soda for Agent Powers and a beer for herself. They quietly looked around as they waited for their order to go through.

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