Hospital planning

Marina watched as people left the dining room, then with a sigh walked to Eun-Ji and sat next to her. She did need to get to know these people before going in dangerous missions with them, otherwise she might as well be signing her own death warrant.

"You're Eun-Ji, right? Of the Dragon. Marina Del Río, Council of Venice. Though I guess you already know." She said offering a hand. Eun-Ji seemed distant and removed from other people, never a good thing if teamwork was part of the deal.

Eun-Ji was just about to get up now that the meeting had ended; however, she missed her window as Marina joined her for conversation. Eun-Ji was accustomed with the art of handshaking and catered to the more western greeting, though she did bow her head respectfully at the same time. She had read about Marina Del Rio from the case files provided to her, at least whatever the Dragon had put in there.

“That is correct. Looks like we will be working together in some capacity on this assignment.” She smiled politely. She was not keen on the Council of Venice based on what she had been taught growing up; however, they were usually tolerable because of their more neutral stance, staying out of the affairs of Dragons for the most part.

"Yes, the Council... Well, we want to make sure this group doesn't implode due to infighting. It looks like it's working for now, but who knows, as soon as a Templar and an Illuminati want something opposite each other..." She sighed, then chuckled.

"I have the feeling Ms. Ben-Ahron doesn't like me though. I suspect it isn't only because of my being part of the Council, your colleague seems to be the issue." She tapped her thumb on the table. "From what I gather, she only appeared in the last moment, didn't she?"

Eun-Ji continued to hold her smile. It was beautiful, but the calculating glint in her eyes would inform the most observant that it was a performance. “If that is your objective, then the Council thinks highly of your abilities.” That compliment was actually genuine. “This group of misfit toys is quite dysfunctional. It is more dumb luck than anything that we are all alive today.” That was a definite glimpse on her honest assessment of the team, if you could even call it that. Eun-Ji also deduced that Marin was quite the tactician in how she excluded the Dragon in her example; this woman knew how to speak to her audience.

When Marin began speaking about Ms. Ben-Ahron, and the Templars in general, Eun-Ji nodded in affirmation. She spoke plainly and to the point on the matter, “Yes, both Templar came upon the scene … for all intensive purposes … after everything was concluded. This will be my first time experiencing them in a noteworthy professional capacity.”

Eun-Ji leaned in slightly, her voice gently lowering. “She doesn’t like you because your an an attractive young woman and thus sees you as a potential rival in the affairs of men’s desires.” Eun-Ji hoped she didn’t have to explain that further, the amount of flirting openly going on in this group, during on the job hours, was overt and distasteful.

She looked up and saw herself peeking in the meeting room doorway. Her illusion was giving her the look of ~what is taking so long, hurry up.~ To which she responded quickly with a look that registered as ~patience I am in the middle of something.~

"I suppose they must, yeah." She nodded, tilting her head. To be fair, ensuring that a group like this didn't collapse, while complicated, wasn't really essential. It was a nice experiment, but the fate of the world probably didn't ride on it. Probably.

Eun-Ji's comment about the group's functionality ringed true, some agents didn't seem too well equipped for anything other than combat, while others... Well, there was a time and a place for everything, and briefings tend to be a bad time for open flirting. Or excessive eating.

"I have no interest on men's desires, at least not while I am on duty." She said, sighing. Eun-Ji seemed somewhat cold in how she spoke. Sure, she smiled and she kept a warm tone, but it was the same warmth as badly heated pre-cooked food. Too hot on the outside, and too cold on the inside. It wasn't uncommon in their line of work.

"I wanted to know if you would want to come with me to the hospital tomorrow. I need someone who can help me with subterfuge and social skills, and you seem like the best choice among this group. Alyssa will be busy with Victoria and the Theater, and if I ask Choi to come with me, I risk an all out brawl with Ms. Ben-Ahron." She crossed her legs. "And I would rather avoid that, personally."

Eun-Ji considered the invitation. Her mind filtering through a strategic projection of pros and cons, opportunity costs and priorities. It didn’t conflict with her agenda or hinder any original plans. Finally she measured the woman in front of her, based on their current conversation, and determined that it could be an advantageous coupling. The side comment about Ms. Ben-Ahron didn’t factor into her reasoning, for it wasn’t her responsibility to rescue anyone here from romantic drama; though she was sure Marina didn’t need rescue and the woman was just trying to be light hearted.

“I will join you.” Her words didn’t convey her enthusiasm. This was a well conditioned young lady from a traditional highly affluent South Korean family, good luck seeing actual emotion in public. Subterfuge was intriguing to her.
[Your Name Here]|ネーム — hoy a las 10:33
Marina smiled slightly, nodding. "That's good to hear." She got up and stretched, sighing. Eun-Ji was an interesting study, most of the others seemed to wear their heart on their sleeve, so to speak. It wasn't hard to see what they thought, or why they thought it. Eun-Ji was more reserved, less outwardly spoken. Just what was going on in her head?

"I will head to bed now then. Tomorrow's going to be an eventful day, and I need to be rested. It's been a pleasure Eun-Ji, tomorrow we'll talk about how to approach Ms. Summers."

Eun-Ji bowed, while sitting, and let Marina depart first before rising. She then went to the door, turned and bowed to the room. It was a buckshot goodbye for everyone remaining.

Her two other versions of herself were waiting at the car, looking as if they were talking with one another. When Eun-Ji neared the vehicle they gestured and directed her to her cellphone before both shattering and quickly dissipating.

Moon got into the drivers seat and checked the cellphone she left in the glove compartment. It had a recent voicemail from Dr. Pehota that needed checking. She would listen to it on her drive back to Chicago.

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