Morning In Gary

JP with mdman, Redsword, Jaxx, Trustno1, Your Name Here and Cindy

Ekaterina The asked, "However we still need to be careful. From what I have read the crime rates are very high despite the low population and there seems to be a lot of racism that could hinder our progress. So when we break up into smaller groups we may get targeted for reasons unrelated to the mission. I have seen a lot of civil unrest on various missions and it can get very ugly”

Sartre awoke early, Not necessarily bothered that Alyssa did not want to stay. He was glad that she was doing much better with her dreams. Throughout the night; there would be occasional engine runnings and sounds of gunfire. Today would be the day that they would go into the theater and try and figure out what exactly had happened to Sarah Simmons. After showering, loading his weapon, and dressing in a suit.

He made his way downstairs to the meeting room, knowing that there would probably be a continental breakfast. He wondered what unhealthy foods the hacker would be having.

Max was in his teenage state from sleeping peacefully. He was tired from a long day as Agent Powers as well as entertaining Princess Ekaterina last night after the meeting. At first he was worried she might be trying to get him to expose secret information from his past but all she did was ask him about his hobbies. The two ended up playing online games on their phones as he taught her how to control the characters. Ekaterina seemed interested in hanging out with him which was a new experience for Max. He had never had a friend before and it was fun to be with them. Even on his online games he was a loner player. Suddenly he was woken up by his phone alarm and rolled over to turn it off. He had some bad bedhead and drool from his mouth as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Then he staggered out of bed and did some stretching before his work out. Once he was done he ordered some breakfast tacos to be delivered to the hotel and then took a shower. Once he was feeling better he changed clothes and turned back into Agent Powers before heading to the lobby to pick up his delivery. While he was waiting he texted the others that he was picking up a lot of breakfast tacos if they wanted some.

Princess Ekaterina was sleeping with her silk eye mask covering her eyes as she slept on the average hotel bed. She looking elegant despite where she was and enjoyed spending time with Agent Powers who seemed to be a kid at heart. She was surprised to see hos easy he was to open up when it came to his hobbies. Granted they both worked out to stay in shape, however she had never played video games before since she was study a lot. Her family had set the bar rather high for her and her Templar mentor set it even higher for her. So oddly enough it was entertaining to spend her time playing mindless video games with Agent Powers for a change of pace. Eventually her elegant musical phone alarm woke her up and she lifted her eye mask before she turned it off. Then she stretched before doing her morning workout. Once she was done she took a shower and changed clothes to find the others downstairs.

Alyssa was rudely awoken by the alarm on her cell, music did little to wake her, so she opted for the annoying buzz. Snooze button. Ten minutes later. BUZZ!!!! Snooze. Ten more minutes and Alyssa realized she needed to get up. A quick shower, then to find out what the hotel had on their breakfast buffet. Eggs, bacon, well the bacon worked. There was a make your own waffle station. Alyssa didn't dare as she'd likely burn it. So, bacon and a chocolate chip muffin, of course coffee completed the meal. The hacker found a table in the sitting are right beyond where the small buffet was and then got Max's text. Well, maybe - though no one really needed food with the breakfast offered by the hotel but breakfast tacos sounded good. She sat down and looked around, the tables were bolted down and only sat 4 or 5. The team would definitely need at least two, probably three.

It didn't take long before Ekaterina found Agent Powers at the lobby picking up several bags of breakfast tacos. She offered to take a bag as they made some small talk and headed to meet Alyssa and Sartre. Agent Powers and Ekaterina greeted Alyssa and Sartre before emptying the bags on the tables and sorting them out. The bags included assorted tacos, condiments, silverware, napkins and several cups of coffee. Luckily they were labeled for everyone who was picky. Since Agent Powers was a big eater he made sure he had his batch separate. Ekaterina grabbed a few potato, egg and cheese tacos for herself and Dahlia along with two coffees. Agent Powers then began to eat quietly as Ekaterina fixed her coffee up and added some hot sauce to her tacos. She then looked at Alyssa and asked, "So did you find anything useful in your research last night?”

Sartre grabbed two blueberry muffins, a cup of coffee and sat down across from Alyssa. "Good morning." he said to the hacker, as he waited for the others to join them.

Marina didn't love the change from the great hotel in Indianapolis to an okay hotel in Gary. Seriously, who the hell calls a city that? Still, she was a soldier, and she'd slept in plenty of much worse places, so she dealt with it.

She clothed herself and headed down to the dining room. Breakfast time, yum. She picked up a coffee and a couple of oranges, then sat and began to eat, watching as everyone else made their way.

Alyssa greeted those that came to breakfast. She grabbed one of the breakfast burritos, sausage, egg and cheese and 2 packets of picante sauce. Thanking Max.

Hearing Ekaterina, Alyssa shook her head. "Not really. I mean I have a better idea of what the inside should look like, thanks to Enu-Ji but not much else. I mean how do a group of people have nothing suspicious on any of them? Not even a bad report card." Alyssa sighed in frustration.

Choi was awaken early by his alarm so that he could do his morning exercise and routine. He ended it in meditation. While meditating, he heard that familiar buzz. In the vision, he saw a yellow papered wall, pool table, hazy, smiles filled place with a bar. He saw again the man with the military haircut, as if it was a warning to beware of him. He saw Dahlia’s lovely face, as if he should protect her.

Inwardly, he wondered if he thought that because of any feelings he might have for her or was it because she was of the fairer gender, like he must protect the Little Hacker in the field. She had come on too strong for Yeong. He wondered if there was a reason for that. Was she a worldly woman in search of immediate pleasure. Why would she choose him? Then he thought, I do have a toned body. Choi was proud of the fact that he had resisted her charm.

After a quick shower, Choi headed to the buffet. He was famished.

Dahlia awoke and went for a quick run. She worked hard keeping a slim and tried body. She often utilized this lure in the field, much as she did with Choi last night.

Although she was disappointed nothing physical happened between them, Dahlia felt like she had made progress. There was a possibility of the two enjoying each other’s company in the mission, with the possibility of it growing more…exciting.

She returned to her room, showered, and put on a pair of tight jeans and a white v-neck blouse.

Downstairs, she entered the breakfast area. Well, no sausage or bacon for her. She noticed Kat, with powers. Blowing them a kiss, Dahlia approached the table and sat next to them.

Ekaterina hugged Dahlia as she came in and offered her some potato, egg and cheese tacos as well as a coffee. Then asked Dahlia, "Did you sleep well?" before she elegantly sipped her coffee and nibbled on her tacos.

Dahlia welcomed the hug from Kat. She smiled and said hello to Max.

“Thank you, Kat!” Dahlia announced, sitting down next to the Moroccan princess.

She looked at Choi, sitting at another table. She smiled and waved at him. She would scale it back a bit from yesterday, showing him that his feelings are important to her.

"What do you think we will find at the theater Alyssa?” Sartre asked.

Ekaterina paused and then elegantly swallowed before she asked Alyssa, "Hmmm.... If there is a lack of information that could mean no one cares to look into it or someone is covering up the details. I have seen both sides before on various missions." Agent Powers nodded his head as Ekaterina's logic made sense. Of course he kept eating since he didn't have much to contribute.

"True. In most of the cases I've worked on its the later, but it could be either." Alyssa responded. She finished her burrito and was full. Fortunately the muffin was still in its packaging so the hacker decided to save it for later.

Choi finished a plate of food. It gave him more energy after working out this morning.

“Do you think there is any connection to our last mission?” he asked.

"I can't find any," Alyssa responded, "but it also wouldn't surprise me. I think a lot more might be connected to all that than what we could predict.”

“Oh,” Choi explained, “we ran into a priest who was mixed up with a cult, letting loose a lich, and trying to bring the end of the world. No biggie.”

Ekaterina then asked, "However we still need to be careful. From what I have read the crime rates are very high despite the low population and there seems to be a lot of racism that could hinder our progress. So when we break up into smaller groups we may get targeted for reasons unrelated to the mission. I have seen a lot of civil unrest on various missions and it can get very ugly”

Alyssa thought she had explained about the high crime rate at the meeting yesterday but it was fine. "That's why we should try not to break up into groups that are too small. Maybe no less than three people, except maybe going to the hospital.”

“So,” Choi spoke up, “that means I still need one more to go with me to the lead at the bar tonight.”

"Max, I'll be alright, if you want to go with him." Alyssa wasn't volunteering the man but just wanted to let him know the option was opened. She was aware his job was to protect her.

Ekaterina elegantly looked at Agent Powers, then at Dahlia then at Alyssa as Agent Powers, asked, "Are you sure? I'm supposed to protect you and this place is not safe." Ekaterina then elegantly said, "Is Mr. Powers the only other option Alyssa?”

"What equipment should we take with us, it will be daytime, but I'm not quite sure about the electricity In the theater. There should also be a few workers in there, So we can't go in there openly brandishing weapons." said Sartre.

"I have taken care of access, but only if we want to go that route. I have made us fake credentials of being with the City Building Inspectors Office or we can go with something else or nothing at all." Alyssa just had those as backup. "Flashlights would be good.”

"We could go in as ourselves. With no weapons. What do you think?" said Sartre.

Marina perked up and looked at Alyssa. "Could you make Eun-Ji and I credentials as well? They're not strictly necessary, but saying we're FBI might make our task easier." She said, finishing her first orange.

Then she looked at Max. "I can be with Alyssa during the evening, protect her and such. You can go with Choi. Sound good?”

Agent Powers looked at Marina and then Alyssa as he swallowed his taco and then washed it down with some coffee. He gave them a smolder before he replied, "I do agree that having FBI badges does make it easy to deal with stuff in the US since I have one too, but I am curious Ms. Marina.......... would you really take a bullet for Alyssa? I've done it several times already." Agent Powers was hesitant to let a stranger do his job of protecting Alyssa. Ekaterina saw that Agent Powers was serious about doing his job as a bodyguard and raised an eyebrow elegantly.

"I think some of this group might not like the no weapon idea." Alyssa commented, "And yes, Marina I can certainly make both of you FBI credentials.”

Sung walks in and takes a look around "What have I missed?" Sung asked politely. He looked for an open seat and took it. Sung looks like he had been out for most of the night. looked at coffee instead of tea. He stood back up and got some coffee and sat back down.

Marina gave Max a serious look, dead serious. "Mr. Powers, setting aside any personal feelings I might have towards any person in this team, I would take a bullet for any of you. I was instructed to join this team and to do my utmost to ensure its continued efficiency and longevity, and I will lay my life on the line to ensure it is the case."

She sighed and took a sip of coffee. "I expect you all to behave the same way.”

Hearing FBI credentials Sung smiled "I don't need anything like that. I have my own credentials I can use to get in if I need them." added Sung trying to get an understanding in what was going on.

"Max, I promise not to go anywhere outside the hotel and....Peter will you be here, at the hotel, tonight?" Alyssa asked. Peter didn't have to be in the room with them but just in the building was good. She just wanted Yeong to have a good backup. "Sung, we are still making plans. I had made credentials from the City Building Inspectors office. Marina asked for FBI ones for herself and Eun-Ji because they are going to the hospital," Alyssa explained.

Agent Powers gave Alyssa a smolder as he paused to think for a bit. Then he nodded at Alyssa as he replied, "If you say so Alyssa. I'll do what you need me to do." Then he opened a new taco and began to eat again.

Ekaterina was a bit shocked at the exchange that just happened. Agent Powers was only concerned with Alyssa's orders and only backed down to her requests compared to the request of others. Based on what she saw this whole time since he and Alyssa were not on romantic terms and Powers would have been alone in his room if she didn't visit him last night, it made her curious why he took his job so seriously. Perhaps his father had something to do with his line of thinking, but she felt that there had to be more to his mystery. Then Ekaterina looked at Dahlia to see if she was okay with the change in plans and elegantly asked, "Should I go with you as well Mr. Powers?”

"I see Alyssa, thank you if Agent Powers is that worried about you I can stay with you if you need me to," said Sung sipping his coffee. "I was at the theater last night. That is why I am late and tired. I did not do much but did get into the boiler room in the basement." Sung started to describe his night.

"Something happened in the boiler room, possibly a Brutal death. From what I could see and find. I need to return to verify my findings. Do note what I found last night I can not use it as evidence until I go back with my kit," explained Sung still drinking his coffee Sung looked to be phased by his findings.

“Thank you, Powers,” Choi offered the Illuminati. “It’s settled, then. Yes, Princess, you are welcome to come along with us. The four of us will leave at 6:30. We can do dinner at the bar. My treat!”

He was happy that he didn’t need to do this on his own. This made Yeong feel generous.

“Do you think they’ll have kosher food?” asked Dahlia.

“If not,” Choi suggested, “we’ll order something from where Powers got your food last night.”

“Or, maybe a deli on the way?”

“Or, maybe a deli on the way,” Choi agreed with a smirk.

"A murder or violence of some kind?" Alyssa did realize Sung had said that was only a possibility. "Nothing like that was reported. I mean, of course, I believe you. I'm just wondering why it wasn't reported. Crime cover-up or something else?" Still it got piled on top of the ever growing list in the hacker's mind.

Alyssa glanced at the time on her cell, and stood up. "If I'm going to make those credentials for Marina and Eun-Ji, I need to go do that." There was about two hours until they left. "I'll see everyone in a little while." She threw out her trash, and left the dining area.

“It may be that if this was criminal activity,” Dahlia stated, “we can turn it over to the police. Although, the talk of the place being haunted and this mysterious guy we’re meeting at the bar tonight may suggest otherwise.”

Agent Powers swallowed his taco and replied to Choi and Sung, "No problem." Then he went back to eating as he listened to the others. Ekaterina elegantly replied, "That sounds good Choi." Then she looked at Agent Powers and asked, "You have FBI credentials Mr. Powers?" Agent Powers nodded as he replied, "Yes. Technically I am an FBI when working in the US and a CIA Agent when working outside of the country. But I don't work in an office and I mostly report to my father or the handlers he sends me now and then." Ekaterina then replied to Dahlia as she asked, "Do you think the local Leos may be tainted as well Dahlia?”

Dahlia thought a moment as to how to answer Kat. “In my opinion, where there is rampant wanton crime as we see here, then there is corruption trickling down from high places.”

“That’s just an opinion,” she added. “What do your esteemed colleagues in the FBI think, Mr Sartre?”

"As far as corruption, they're definitely is some. But I don't think these local gangs operating with less than actual automatic weapons have enough power to do something to the city's authority no matter how weak it is. I think there must be some sort of gang war going on.” Sartre replied.

Satre asked into the chip, "Do you think that you will need a weapon, Alyssa?"

Alyssa in her room, responded in the chip. "Got my pistol and the knife . I'm good. Thanks.”

"Are you all ready to go?" asked Sartre.

“I’m ready,” Choi announced to the others in answer. He had his nunchucks underneath his shirt, tucked into the back of his pants. He also had eight shuriken tucked into his belt. He’d be prepared for any confrontation if there was any.

“I’ll drive,” he volunteered. “Three others can fit into my Veloster.”

Dahlia chirped in, “I will ride along.”

Ekaterina elegantly nudged Agent Powers as she said, "Shall we go with them, Mr. Powers?"

Agent Powers finished his meal and coffee before he replied, "Will I fit in that car?"

Ekaterina smirked as she replied, "I think you will. Will that be fine with you, Choi?”

“Yes,” Yeong replied, “it will give us the opportunity to bond together before tonight.”

Alyssa arrived back downstairs and handed Marina an envelope. "They're in there." They would hold up against scrutiny.

Noticing the others getting ready to go, a little surprised Max, who was supposed to be her bodyguard and was usually rather diligent about it, had opted to not ride with her. But whatever.... she seemed to not really be able to convince Max she also considered him a friend, and had decided he didn't feel the same way and just saw her as a job so ... "My van can fit whoever else needs a ride." Alyssa stated.

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