Dinner and a Meeting

JP with Redsword, Jaxx, Trustno1, mdman, Lorem,Your Name Here and Cindy

Sartre made his way through the dark and empty streets, a few cars would pass by under the flickering street lights. Other than that there was not much traffic. He pulled into the hotel, Checked in, And made his way to the meeting room.

“Oh,” Choi exclaimed, entering the room. “Glad to be back in action!”

Alyssa was knee deep in frustration, there wasn't a lot to pull out on anything or anyone involved with the theater. Not even a late tax return.

Looking at the time, 'Crap, running late' she thought. A quick text to Max, Running late. Go ahead without me. Meet you there.

She ran into the shower, quickly drying her hair afterwards and putting on her customary outfit, jeans, a black t- shirt and her black hoodie. The young woman grabbed her laptop and anything else she needed and headed to the meeting.

Dahlia was inside the room, “Looks like it’s just us right now, Yeong.”

She then see Marina enter too. Who is this woman? Why is she with Choi? She’s definitely not a Dragon. “Come, sit by me while we wait. We can catch up.”

Choi was wondering what they would catch up on. They briefly met each other at the end of the last mission . True, she did work a wonder on his arm. He owed her that. So, he sat by her as she requested.

Agent Powers was in his room talking to Ekaterina when he got a buzz on his phone. He then paused to check his phone and saw the food delivery was at the lobby. He looked at Ekaterina and said, "Well it's about time for the meeting and the food is here. I'll get the food if you want to go to the meeting room first."

Ekaterina smiled at Agent Powers and replied, "Oh you're such a gentleman. How about I give you hand?"

Agent Powers shrugged and replied, "Okay....sure." Then he saw the text from Alyssa saying she was going to be late and replied, Sure. Then Agent Powers and Ekaterina made their way to the lobby and picked up the bags of food and checked if everything was delivered. Luckily nothing was missing and they took the bags to the meeting room and set them down to unbag them. They saw and greeted the others in the room as they sorted out the food.

Dahlia smiled at Kat and Powers arriving together. Kat was moving fast and making progress. Dahlia nodded at Kat to show her approval.

“Powers!” Choi heated. “How’d I know you’d have food with you? Come on on, Marina, join us!”

Agent Powers smirked at Choi and replied, "Well Alyssa asked me to get some food delivered for the meeting here and then Ekaterina asked me to get some kosher food too. So we learned a lot about the local restaurants in the area. Don't worry I got something for all preferences. Well, except for Eun-Ji, since she does her own thing."

Ekaterina smirked at Dahlia as she said, "Mr. Powers is quite thoughtful isn't he. I would love to hire him as my bodyguard and assistant at the palace."

Agent Powers smirked since he was complimented. He was rarely complimented in his whole life. He then replied, "Well I don't know about that. My dad won't let me quit my job." They then finished unbagging the food, drinks, plates, plastic silverware, straws, napkins and deserts. It was set up so everyone could get a serving from different meal plates.

Choi raised his brows. Why would Powers be worried about what his dad wanted?

“You’re a grown man, Powers,” he encouraged Max. “You can do what you like.”

Agent Powers gave a nervous smile as he looked at Choi then replied, "So the head Execs in the Dragons give their kids lots of freedom?" Agent Powers was not well educated compared to other agents so he was now curious to hear the answer.

Choi chuckled at that. He had a prime example.

“Case in point,” he jested, “Moon Eun-Ji. She is from a highly esteemed Dragon family. She does what she wants.”

Agent Powers paused and rubbed his chin as he pondered that information. He nodded and replied, "Wow. It's like the opposite in the Illuminati. They makes lots of jokes that its a Black Company, but I still don't get what that means."

Ekaterina looked at Choi and Dahlia with a slight surprise and then replied, "Um Mr. Powers a Black Company is a ruthless business that overworks the employees for little pay and benefits. They are illegal in many places." Agent Powers looked confused.

Marina watched the people in the dining room, sighing. These people needed to all be fit for teamwork, and while it seemed like they liked each other enough for now. "From what I've heard, Illuminati agents might be amoral and overworked, but they do not seem to be underpaid. Otherwise I doubt many would remain within the faction.”

Alyssa arrived at the meeting room, as the hacker looked around and noted the people missing and realized she wasn't as late as she thought she was. "Hey, everyone."

Finding a plug where people wouldn't trip over the cord, her laptop was set up. The glow of the screen was soon visible.

Agent Powers smirked as Alyssa came in and her replied, "Hey Alyssa. The food is ready." Then he looked at Marina and replied, "Oh no you are right. My dad gives me a big budget for food, travel and supplies. If it wasn't for the work conditions, it would be cool.”

Dahlia moves her chair ever so slightly closer to Choi’s. She looked at Marina as one out of place.

“May I ask whom this might be? We haven’t received any introductions.”

Choi shook his head. “Forgive me, Miss Ben-Aharon…”

“Dahlia,” she corrected.

“Dahlia,” Choi corrected himself. “This is Marina Del Rio from the Council of Venice!”

“The Council?” Dahlia inquired. “What does the Council want with us?”

Marina raised an eyebrow at Dahlia suddenly caring about her. "A group so large of people from the big three was bound to draw the Council's attention, they sent me to act as a mediator and assist in any faction based conflicts." She crossed her arms. "Dahlia Ben-Aharon of the Templars, yes? It is a pleasure." She extended her hand.

Princess Ekaterina smirked at marina as she replied elegantly, "Well this will be our first real mission with the others. Dahlia and I arrived at the end of the last mission so we missed a lot. So we are new as well.”

"Thanks, Max." Alyssa went back to her computer. She was half paying attention to the others, enough to catch anything important but it didn't seem like a conversation she needed to be a part of.

Dahlia narrowed her eyes and tightened her lips. “And I suppose the Council would want us to bow to their very whim,” she stated flatly. “The last time the Templars did that, we lost Jacques de Molay.”

Eun-Ji ran into the tail end of rush hour traffic so she was running a few minutes late. By the time she pulled into the hotel parking lot and parked, she had only two minutes left to spare before the start time. It was a good thing she built in a travel buffer with her departure time.

She exited the vehicle, but strangely enough she remained seated inside. Shutting the door, Eun-Ji quickly gained her barring and made her way to the designated meeting room. Upon entering, she saw the random patchwork quilt team of agents, some new, and paused. She politely bowed to those present and then quietly went to take her seat with perfect posture.

Agent Powers sighed when Eun-Ji entered the room. He then replied, "Oh crap.....I mean she's here. Should we start serving the food?" Agent Powers looked like he ate sour candy as he looked around.

"Alyssa! How are you?" How has everyone been?" asked Sartre.

Choi quickly looked to Powers. “Watch it Powers! She’s still my partner!”

Marina raised an eyebrow. "Somewhat aggressive of a reaction, Ms. Ben-Ahron, we have no interest in making you bend any knees. Simply in not letting internal squabbling get out of control." She said, then turned to look at both Eun-Ji and Sartre as they came in.

Sung came down the elevator and made his way to the room. stopping short of going into the meeting room. Sung closed his eyes listening to the people there isolating the voices he could hear. some he knew some Sung did not. Sung looked around to see if anyone watched or paid attention to who was coming in and out of the room.

Sung put a smile on and walked into the room wearing a dark suit as normal. Sung looked at Choi and shook his head and almost chuckled. "Watch for traps Choi," commented Sung. He took a seat not too close to anyone. "Good evening team," said Sung, greeting everyone there. "Eun-Ji, good that you could make it," said Sung with a mysterious grin.

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