4 Factions Trying To Plan

JP with Redsword, Jaxx, Trustno1, mdman, Lorem, Your Name Here and Cindy

Alyssa rolled her eyes, after giving a wave to Peter, even if she was thinking the same thing about Eun-Ji she knew enough to not say anything out loud. "Hey, I'm sure no one wants to be here all night. So, can everyone get their food and we'll start it in a few minutes?”

Ekaterina raised an eyebrow as she watched the nitpicking between the teams as others arrived. It was obvious there was some static with certain members in the three teams. She looked at Dahlia and said, "We live a charmed life don't we. Shall we eat Dahlia? Mr. Powers was kind enough to get some Kosher dishes. Hopefully they are good.”

"Alyssa. just toss me a bag of lays chips." said Sartre.

Dahlia didn’t like Sung’s comments. She knew he’d be a wise one.

Dahlia returned to Marina, “Well we managed to complete a mission last time out working together. Why would the Council think we need input from them?”

Choi bowed to both Eun-Ji and Sung. He thought he noticed Dahlia squirming her seat even closer. What was she up to?

“Master Sung, so good to see you!” he exclaimed. Choi then defended Marina. “We could always need new insight and advice.”

Dahlia looked appreciatively to Kat, her blessed partner. “Yes Kat, that would be great. Thank you Mr. Powers.”

Marina decided not to give in to Dahlia's provocations. "You must be Sung, yes? It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Marina Del Río, of the Council of Venice. I will be joining your 'team' as a mediator and agent, to assist in easing friction between factions, if there's any.”

Agent Powers gave Dahlia a smolder and then a smile as he moved the kosher plates close to her so she could pick what she wanted. He then helped Ekaterina and Alyssa get her food before he served himself.

Sung stood up and returned the bow "Choi and Eun-Ji. I am glad to see you all doing well." replied Sung to Choi and Eun-Ji. Sung sat back down.

"Alyssa and Agent Powers, what do you bring us today? Something good I hope. I was enjoying a nice Japanese hot spring when I got the call. All I have now is this Sake as he pulled out a ceramic flask, took off the top and took a drink.

The young woman went to get some food, not really asking what was laid out on the table, but avoiding anything that looked too healthy. She did indeed toss Peter some chips. Thanked Max. Then went back to her seat. Noting Sung's question, "We'll get to all of that. I'm sure the Dragons sent you some info, or they should have.”

The lamb tasted good to Dahlia. She sat down, pushing closer to Choi. Any closer and she’d be on his lap.

Choi saw some chop sticks and Lo Mein. He got up and got that.

Sitting back down, he whispered to Dahlia. “Play it cool. Marina is on our side…What dod you mean by your text?”

“It meant what it said,” she confessed with full lips. “I have been looking forward to working with you again. Agent Powers, where did you get this lamb?”

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