Halliwell Manor- Templars

JP with Lumina and Corinth

Corinth took a bite of the apple pie. It wasn't the best he ever had, but it was decent enough to satisfy his sweet tooth. "Yeah, I worked with a few from time to time. We Templars want to keep the real world and secret world seperate. Anything that bleeds over, we take care of it. The Illuminate just want to exploit the secret world for money and power. Some don't have that way of thinking, but they are few and far between. If that wasn't the case, why be apart of that group? The Dragons like to cause chaos just to see the butterfly effect that ripples out. It has its uses, but mostly is pain in our sides." He pauses for a minute, pushing the plate away from him, finished. "We all have our uses and agendas. Some run parallel to each other, some don't. You find reasons to work with them and find reasons not to kill them."

Grabbing his glasses and hat, he put them both back on and stood up. He tossed some money on the table, including a generous tip. "We need get back to work before HQ calls for an update."

The GPS voice spoke over the music that was playing in the car, instructing him on which turns to take until finally they reached their destination. Doing a quick drive around the block to scope things out, Corinth parked a house away and turned the car off.

"There it is, Halliwell House. Be on your guard, there may be people inside still searching."

Exiting the car, he made sure his jacket covered his guns and preceeded to walk up to the house, Lumina at his side. Making it to the door, Corinth put his ear to it to see if he could hear anything. He shook his head at Lumina and then tried the knob. Curiously, it opened without any issues.

Slowly they entered into the house and once they were completely inside, he shut the door and unholsterd Powell. He listened, butbthe place was still quiet.

As they walked forward, there was a sitting room that opened to the right and stairs leading up to their left. Straight ahead was the dining room. Again, he listened, but the house was quiet. Satisfied for now, he holstered his gun.

"I doubt anything would be of importance on the first floor. From the look of the place on the outside, it appears to have an attic and I wouldnt be surprised if this old house had a basement as well, though I could be wrong." His investigative training began to kick in. "Best to work from top to bottom. If there is an attic, that would be a good place to start."

Heading to the second floor, he took note of the four bedrooms, all still having furniture in them. Continuing to look, he found the steps to the attic. Cautiously, he looked up the stairs and began slowly moving upward, hand close to his hip.

The attic was spacious. Everyday storage items were pushed to the side of the walls, leaving a large opening in the middle of the room. Off to the side, there was a shallow opening where there stood a pedestal. Corinth looked down at the dusty floorboards and took notice of the disturbed dust. At least two sets of footprints. The first set went to the pedestal while the second went to some areas around the room, a bookcase and possibly a closet.

Going to the pedestal, he saw a book that rested on it. Opening it up, there were a lot of words and pictures. He flipped the pages a few times and decided this wasn't his area of expertise.

"Come check this out. Looks like a spellbook. Wonder why it wasn't taken." He left it open for Lumina to look over. "Let's make sure we take it with us."

Moving to the shelf, he noticed a broken jar on the floor. Kneeling down, he picked up some of the pieces and looked them over. The jar lid had some writing on it. No, not writing per se, but runes. Not just any runes, containment runes. Something was sealed away, but was obviously released at some point. Today maybe? No, the other factions would have been more careful than that.

Moving on, there was a disturbance in the floorboards. Moving them around revealed nothing. "There may have been something here...hidden. If they found whatever was in here and took this, but not that book...did that mean whatever was here was more important?" He was speaking more to himself, but still out loud enough for Lumina to hear.

"Find anything in that book?"

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