Lunch Discussion (2)

San Francisco, Cozy Corner Bistro, Afternoon After Turner Kramer’s Death

Lumina had been less than helpful when Corinth had asked her what she was in the mood for, and consequently he had followed his reportedly fine-tuned instincts for good restaurants, leading them to a place called the Cozy Corner Bistro. The place seemed clean enough at least, which was typically a good sign. As their waitress, Gloria, rattled off the specials, Lumina looked for something that might be particularly nutritious. Lumina considered herself fairly open minded when it came to food, but she generally took a food-is-fuel approach to eating, especially when she had a lot to do. Also, she hated working out, so anything else she could do to not ruin her figure was ideal. She decided to go with the house salad entree portion with blackened chicken.

Although the restaurant was not too busy at the moment, Corinth appropriately lowered his voice as they talked business. He was not terribly optimistic of a significant lead being found at the house beyond another possible scavenger hunt type note like the one they had found in Kramer’s apartment, and he also seemed convinced that the other Secret Societies had likely beat them there as well, inducing a shiver down Lumina’s spine. She had never had any run-ins with members of the other Secret Societies to her knowledge. If Corinth and Owen were right, that was very likely to change shortly.

And of course the question of the day. What indeed did this house have to do with the Mothman? Potentially nothing. At this point Lumina didn’t have enough information to conclude that the Mothman had been involved in any of the deaths, but even if that was an established fact, that there was consequently a rhyme and reason for the targets the Mothman visited and presumably murdered somehow.

Their food arrived as Lumina was explaining the articles she had read at the SFU Library. Lumina was not a quick salad eater at the best of times, but trying to eat and explicate her findings slowed her down all the more. She still had a decent way to go when Corinth had finished his chicken fried steak and ordered pie for dessert for both of them, which did sound good, but the fats…

Dalia’s findings regarding the ley lines coming together near the house was certainly encouraging though. Sonnac had explicitly ordered them to investigate ley lines, and here they were right in their path. It would be good for Lumina to get a feel for how ley lines appeared under the effect of a Detect Magic spell, and furthermore if given the time, she could hopefully learn how to tap into the power of those ley lines herself. As a Warlock, she was always on the lookout for more magical power to utilize, and it would be nice to not have to bargain for that power from callous supernatural entities. She was already thinking back to some of the methods the books she had read theorized that certain ancient peoples had tapped into such ley lines. Even if they found nothing else at the manor, this could very much be worth it. Having that power at hand if she could learn to extract it would be comforting for when they went to the morgue to pry secrets from Turner Kramer, Gail Iris, and Olivia Warren.

“If the house is as powerful as we think it is, do the ley lines boost its power, or are they the cause and what is their purpose? Just to fuel the witch's powers? No… ley lines are more powerful than that. I mean, yes, that could be one purpose, but I doubt that was their only purpose.”

“I don’t exactly know how ley lines work," Lumina replied," but if they work the way I think they work, then I would say having that nearly endless source of magical power readily nearby would be more than sufficient for these witches, if that is in fact what they were, to set up shop nearby. Maybe we’ll get lucky and find out what else the Halliwell Sisters were up to that could shed more light on what they did with the ley lines, but I personally am very eager to see if I can tap into that power myself. And since if we know that these are indeed ley lines that we’ll see there, I should be able to come to recognize them so that if we encounter them again in our investigation, we’ll know what we’re dealing with. I’d say this alone is reason to visit the manor, even if we don’t find any other clues of note.”

Gloria delivered the pies just then, and they did look good. “I am not going to eat this whole thing,” Lumina promised, cutting her slice in half.

Once Gloria departed, Lumina pondered Corinth's last question and finally asked, “So, have you ever had to deal with the Illuminati or the Dragons before? I guess I haven’t so I’m not really sure what to expect if we bump into them.”

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