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View character profile for: Choi Yeong

View character profile for: Alyssa Wilson

View character profile for: Agent Max Powers
Funny Into...
JP with Lorem, mdman and Cindy
Alyssa knew it was working she kept laughing thinking of anything she could to elicit that response. Of course, it helped that Yeong was a ball of merriment. The crack about the shadow's teeth made her laugh even harder.
The piercing noise was the creature's way of trying to bring fear back into the picture, Alyssa recognized that. "Oooh....scary" Her voice dripped with sarcasm, making wiggling motions with her fingers, like a cartoon witch.
Choi felt the pain, but remained focused. He was determined to win this fight. The claws dug into the side opposite of the bite.
“You need a manicure,” Choi joked. “Those are pocket nails because that’s where you should keep them. And that breath is like a decaying skunk carcass had crawled into your mouth and died a second death there.”
Choi’s laughter was boisterous despite the pain. “Come on Powers! You know this is funny!”
The shade made a gurgling and bitter sound from its disfigured face, the skin hanging like tatters around the front of it face flapping with the vibrations. It was an intelligent entity, and it realized that its current victim was responding in an unnatural way to pain. It’s grip released and it hurled itself back towards Alyssa.
Before it did so though it began to dry heave until what looked like a bloody and dark ink covered mass was being coughed up. It emerged as the face of her father inside its mouth fighting to come out. Eventually it did, prying the shade’s original face in half; it was clear the things bone structure was absent despite the commonality with human anatomy at first glance.
Her father looked at her with murder in his eyes as he dove at Alyssa across the room, covering more distance than expected without legs. Its arms and claws reached for her. “You miserable wretched child.” Her father’s toxic and verbally abusive tone shouted on route.
While Alyssa maintained her composure the disgusting mass that was expelled by the shadow made her stomach lurch slightly.
It wasn't her father, logically she knew that but that constant disappointment at being just not quite good enough seemed to shoot at her from the words the shadow leveled at her. The weight was dragging on her like quick sand. Words began to turn into images.
She closed her eyes for one brief moment and shouted. "YOU'RE NOT HIM! YOU'RE NOT HIM!" But it wasn't enough as the claws reached her and she felt her body dragged to the ground.
The few lights once again began to dim. The dark was shrouding around the creature, making it harder to see and leaving more of its frightfulness to the imagination. More of its lower body was beginning to form out of the shadows and it wrestled to pin her down beneath itself. Its goal was to hinder her movement so it could engulf her entire face in the slowly widening mouth of her father; once again revealing the lamprey teeth. Meanwhile, before any final strike, it’s gruesome vomit and ichor was drooling down onto her.