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View character profile for: Choi Yeong

View character profile for: Alyssa Wilson

View character profile for: Agent Max Powers
Shadow Attacks A Dragon
JP with Lorem, mdman and Cindy
Yeong heard Powers singing a song. What the hell? He was fighting a shadow and the all-powerful Powers was singing and not fighting.
Choi felt the presence behind him, and heard the whispers. Somehow, he needed to build up energy. It would take too long. Balance was his thought. He could not give way to fear. Then, he felt cold teeth upon his side. He reminded himself that he experienced success, otherwise the shadow wouldn’t be so pissed.
That caused Yeong to confidently laugh. He had hurt the thing. He was successful and would make better progress. The laughter continued at a crescendo.
Powers continued to sing. It was silly and this made Choi laugh harder.
The teeth were irregular in size and shape, jagged and sharp from forceful grinding. They were aligned in multiple rings of concentric circles radiating from a black hole in the center, no doubt a doorway to a hellish and grotesque fate. The teeth, especially along the outermost ring, pierced into Choi’s side, effectively clamping against his flesh and creating a vacuum seal. The rest of the inner rings swelled with the creature’s hunger and raised up to also press into his side. It was effectively turning its mouth into the same motion of a drill that bores through the rock of the earth. Choi was in a deadly predicament, made worse by its elongated arms wrapping around him possessively.
Interestingly enough, the lights still left flickered and got a tiny bit brighter. The laughter was cutting off its constant food supply from them; however, it had enough to have materialized its upper body. From roughly the waist down there was nothing but shadowy tendrils. Because of this, the creature couldn’t gain its balance, and was completely dependent on its grip on Choi for stability.
Its face was applying a great pressure into just under his rib cage. Its cheeks began to ripple as if it was going to start sucking soon.
Alyssa felt worn out as the shadow left her, the voices inside left nothing but an imprint. She scrambled to her feet, with the sound of Max singing in the background.
The creature was surrounding Yeong, Alyssa glanced at Max who seemed useless in this fight, except the laughter his song brought on. The laughter seemed to be weakening the spirit.
She could see the spirit was holding on to Yeong.
In all the action the hood had fallen off revealing her face, which gave more credence to what she was about to do. She started laughing with Yeong. "Hey Max, think of something funny.," not even sure if the powerhouse could hear it. Physically attacking it seemed to be making matters worse, maybe bombarding it with happiness would be more than the shadow could stand.
Choi saw and felt the teeth. They were as ugly as a rusty saw blade, gnarled and twisted, each tooth a jagged remnant of some forgotten battle. The gaps between them whispered secrets of decay, and their uneven edges seemed to mock symmetry.
Yeong shouted, “You’ve been a bad boy, shadow. When’s the last time you seen a dentist. You should know the drill by now!” His laughter became louder.
Where was the pain and anger? The fear and remorse? The half corporeal shade released its mouth’s latch on Choi and gagged violently as if it tasted something horrible. As if allergic to mirth, it’s mouth foamed like a rabid dog and stank like burning rubber and pestilent decay. Black gunk spewed out onto Choi as it coughed and heaved. It did not let go though, its fingers extended with claw-like ends and dug into his flesh, desperate to bring forth a different reaction from its prey. It seemed less confident, as if it knew it was vulnerable for the first time in this fight.
The wound in Choi’s side stung and looked like a shark bite with the pattern of the rings of a bullseye. It was bleeding. It looked like a lot of blood, but truly it was more his blood just mixing with the generous quantity of shade saliva.
The creature let out a piercing wail, that could be heard throughout the entire house, trying to solicit more fear and trembling from those present; it needed the rest of its body to come forth from the shadows to murder them all.