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View character profile for: Peter Sartre

View character profile for: Choi Yeong

View character profile for: Alyssa Wilson

View character profile for: Agent Max Powers
Mind Attack
JP with mdman, Trustno1, and Cindy
Choi was losing energy fast. He began to lose the battle against the pain.
Looking across the basement at the now revealed pretty face surrounded by flowing red hair, Choi wanted to help her, but felt himself falling to his knees. Now, the reality was coming to Yeong. He had failed. As his eyes closed, he witnessed the disappointment upon Master Park’s face.
“I’m sorry, Eun-Ji,” he mumbled, blood oozing from both sides, “Powers, take good care of Alyssa.”
He grunted as the room began to fade. He swore he saw the shadow but it was only darkness. Choi then fell face first to the floor.
"Alyssa, that sounds like quite a racket, you alright?" Sartre said through his chip.
"We...." Alyssa was having problems communicating due to the shadow pushing very loud thoughts into her head, and it being on top of her.
Her father's face with the gnarly teeth and slime coming closer.
Dark, damp, the rain hadn't stopped for days. Seattle weather. Alyssa was waiting in her gray nondescript van - like every van that came before and likely after.
Up to now she had spent most of her time in a computer room, only sent out on one brief mission in the past. Her father had asked for her on this mission.
The memories in her mind then disjointed into a nonsequential jumble. Blackness. A scream. The single word "NO". Blood.
Alyssa spoke what words she could get out, though they might have been said a little louder than expected. "Peter, Help. Dragon down. I'm down. Max ...." That was all before her mind went back to memories.
I'll be right There Alyssa!" He pulled out his Agartha ball to teleport to the nearest anima well near the house.