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View character profile for: Moon Eun-Ji
David’s Research for the Win
Halliwell Manor Attic - San Francisco
Eun-Ji continued her recording, utilizing the video feature as she moved about the room. Then she took individual photos of anything that required closer inspection. She could only imagine, what methods Master Sung had to use before cellphones were as advanced as they currently were. She laughed inwardly at the thought of a young Master Sung using a Polaroid camera and sketch pad.
Suddenly she got a ping on her phone. It was David. She had texted him what was going on and the images she was recording were uploaded to an encrypted server that he had access too. He was researching anything that seemed to stand out to him. Most notably the blood written on the wall at the moment.
The text read, “RC may mean Ruth Cobb. An evil witch tried to kidnap pregnant Charlotte Warren back in 1670. Rescued and baby born was Melinda Warren. Her lineage became the good witches now known as Halliwell Sisters. Still unclear about 1920 date???”
As she pondered that information, another text came through. “The Book of Shadows, often just referred simply as the Book, or the Halliwell Book of Shadows, is the magical tome of the Warren Line of Witches. It is the most powerful and coveted Book of Shadows in existence and is over 300 years old. The Book has been passed down every generation ever since it was created by Melinda Warren in the 17th century.
Besides information about the craft, the Book contains many entries on several beings from the magical community, including demons, warlocks, and other evil beings. It also contains many spells and potion recipes, most of which were written by Penny Halliwell.”
Eun-Ji looked at the big tome with a green leather cover, two markers and the Triquetra symbol on the front. Could it be this was the real deal?
Another text came through, “Only reference about 1920 date is that is the year a witch named Nell trapped a warlock named Malcom inside a painting.” David sent a picture of the painting.