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View character profile for: Choi Yeong

View character profile for: Alyssa Wilson

View character profile for: Agent Max Powers
Basement Bound
Jp with mdman, and Cindy
Yeong didn’t wait for Sung’s approval. He knew Eun-Ji was in good hands. Sung was a master.
Choi found a door that led to a stairway downward into the basement. Finding an old lantern inside the door, along with a flint, Yeong lit the lamp. Thankfully, it had plenty of oil inside it.
As slowly and quietly as he could, Yeong descended the steps. He listened for any noise that would be associated with movement. It was dark and eerie down there. The hand that did not carry the lamp, carried the nunchucks.
Alyssa figured Peter was busy and she was getting a little bored just standing there outside the house. Besides, the young woman didn't know that anyone had gone down to the basement, as she had missed Yeong doing so. Turning to Max. "I'm going to check out the basement. You can came with me or stay here." He was built kind of like a truck so she wasn't even certain he could fit going down the stairs.