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View character profile for: Peter Sartre

View character profile for: Moon Eun-Ji
Combing the Attic
JP with Peter, Eun-Ji and Sung
Halliwell Manor Attic - San Francisco
Eun-Ji called across the room to Master Sung, explaining what David had sent her. She went over to take a closer look at the Book of Shadows. She was getting ping after ping on her phone, which kept interrupting her progress; however, since it was useful each time she kept checking. It was just more information on the Book.
One text in particular said you can’t record pictures of the interior pages, it couldn’t be removed from the house except by those aligned with goodness, entries were most likely in sequential order, and that the book could be corrupted if a Halliwell sister became evil; married an evil warlock for example. If one sister aligned with evil the other two would follow suite. That was all interesting, and she put the taking pictures of it to the test. All the images turned up blank, instead of representing the beautiful script calligraphy titles, pages of detailed notes, recipes, personal entries , diagrams and drawings.
Sung was not sure if was happy or bothered by the find of the book of shadows. Sure the book means a lot to people but it is also dangerous. Sung knew the owner probably was not far away he did find it interesting that the book was not locked up or there was no trap.
"Book of Shadows" questioned Sung. "Be careful with that we don't know if there are any wards or traps on that book or around the room. He stepped into the room and looked at the bookcase. checking the dust on the floor no slide marks. "The bookcase has no hidden space behind it," Sung said more like thinking out loud than making a statement.
He walked along the inter walls looking at every crack as he got to the closet he stopped. He stepped to one side and turned the door nob but did not open it. Sung waited with his eyes closed. Then opened the door some. "The door is clear," Sung commented. His skills in Perception and Investigation were very sharp and something about this was not right where the door was. taking out a small mag tactical light he turned it on and flashed it in the closet.
The light lit the closet it had some very old clothing hanging and other stuff cladering it. Some dust floated in the air. There was something more here but Sung would wait to check it out.
Sartre made his way to the attic. He was careful around Eun Ji, who had made her presence known. “have you found anything Miss Eun Ji? These papers probably contain something of value. Someone scattered them up here as well and painted the messages on the wall.” He pointed to the book Eun-Ji was looking through with an awestruck tone in his voice, “We stand in the same room as the Book of Shadows.”
Eun-Ji would glance over at Master Sung sporadically, especially when he was dealing with the closet. For the most part she just paid attention to what she was doing, quite confident that Master Sung knew what he was doing and could handle himself. She continued to flip through the Book of Shadows, having dropped her cautious approach once she read from David that it was a book written by good witches for holding evil at bay.
With the arrival of the Illuminati agent Eun-Ji missed having Choi present to run interference. She looked to Master Sung, but he looked busy. There was no avoiding him this time, because she was not yet willing to vacate the attic.
Eun-Ji looked to Peter with a disinterested expression and then returned back to what she was doing. “I am not here to collaborate with the likes of you.” Her comment was as cold as ice.