In Discomfort

Nine would get out with Tzeitel, helping her if need be. “It’s gonna be okay,” He reassured her.

Tzeitel shook her head. “It’s not, you know it’s not.” Her eyes flicked to Colt and quickly away from him, her eyes brimming with tears. “I hate being afraid of him.”

“He’s not going to harm you.” Nine said as he watched James and Klaire create the fire perimeter. “Guess we’re staying alert tonight…”

“I know he’s not going to…” Tzeitel’s whole body was tightened. She had realized that it was not Colt who had hurt her quite some time ago. It did not keep her body from reacting in fear whenever she saw him, remembering her tormentor on top of her. It made her feel like throwing up. She touched her powers just to make sure they were there, on alert.

Colt took note of what Klaire was doing and only offered Tzeitel and Nine a glance before he started making traps. “We should make the place safe for everyone…” He said, voice empty of any and all emotions. He’d been making a point to do this around Tzeitel ever since she’d choked him all that time ago. He couldn’t make himself trust her after that…

Nine squeezed Tzeitel’s shoulder gently. “Head inside. I smell food. Maybe help out?” He said and went to help Colt.

Tzeitel eyed the house. It looked too enclosed and the smell of food did the opposite of making her want to go in there.

Colt and Nine would talk, eventually making some jokes and laughing as they worked.

Meanwhile, if Tzeitel looked around the outside where the light of the fires didn’t touch, she would see the shadows literally moving. It was as if they were alive…

Tzeitel shuddered, she wished she could get everyone safely home and away from this place. She picked up a hefty branch, it wouldn't be a bad weapon, at the least she could set it on fire. She wanted a crossbow and glanced towards the house. She wondered what Kimber had for weapons.

Nine and Colt watched Tzeitel rush off to where Ami was, so they kept working.

Once they were done they would head inside with the others.

< Prev : In Hot Water Next > : Shower With A Dark Elf