Back To Kimber's Place

Tzeitel sighed, she missed when all her kids were younger than her. She missed the relative peace of home. She missed having a best friend and not being afraid of Colt.

Piritta played with Colt’s ears.

Colt merely let Piritta play with his ears. So long as she did no damage, it was fine. In fact, it felt nice and soothing, calming him.

Altus sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose before looking at Shira. He had to admit she was cute “did you want to go with the others?”

“I go where Atlus goes.” Shira replied with a big smile and got to her feet. “Let us go with your friends. See how things end.”

Altus nodded and joined the others with Shira in tow “fascinating machine I've only seen things like this with dwarves.”

Tzeitel fidgeted uncomfortably in her seat. She kept glancing outside at the trash can and was growing disgusted with herself.

“Kaunis kissa.” Piritta murmured to Colt.

Riley's body began to shake uncontrollably, his mind trapped in a never ending nightmare.

“How is he holding up?” Altus asks Umbral before kneeling next to Riley.

Tzeitel looked to the back of the van and saw that Riley was having a nightmare. “Riley!” Tzeitel climbed over the back of her seat, giving off calming pheromones.

Riley gasped as he woke up but he didn't see himself in the van. In his mind he was still on his earth covered in Klaire’s blood. “No no no no Klaire no no no no” he spoke in a panicked tone as he started scratching at himself trying to remove it only to start tearing his wounds open again.

“Stoppit Riley!” Tzeitel’s arms were slick with calming pheromone oil which she was trying to wipe on Riley’s clothes. “Klaire isn’t doing anything…” Besides getting too close to that clone while pushing me away, Tzeitel kept that last bit to herself as she tried to stop Riley. She was familiar with self-destructive behavior.

“She's dying I got to help her” he shouted, still seeing himself on his earth. “She's all I have left, I can't lose her too.”

What the fuck? Tzeitel glanced at Klaire. “Klaire is right fucking there and she isn’t dying!”

Piritta sighed contentedly as she enjoyed the calming pheromones filling the van. “Ah, hyvää tavaraa.”

Riley looked at Klaire but only saw his Klaire injured and bleeding out. Tears in his eyes he kept whispering that he was sorry.

Klaire looked just as confused as she stared back at Riley, her ears folding back with concern. “What is he talking about? Riley, I’m fine!”

Umbral grabbed at Riley’s hands and pulled them from his arms. “Stop it, shhhh…stop it…” She whispered and kissed the top of his head. “You’re safe. Everyone is safe…” Closing her eyes, her horn beginning to shine, she pulsed her light into him. “Shhh…”

Riley calmed down as he came to his senses. “Where am I?” He asked, looking to Umbral then Klaire and Tzeitel. As he did so his throat tightened and he teared up. “Is it really you two?”

“Of course it's really me.” Tzeitel did not like how ominous Riley was sounding.

Riley looked at her through tears. He remembered holding her as she died and how she comforted him, even her oils to help keep him calm. Looking over to Klaire he awaited her response.

“I’m me and I’m not dead.” Klaire replied, still frowning. “What’s gotten into you?”

Umbral stroked Riley’s hair to help him stay calm.

Riley stared at them. It was obvious he wanted a hug but was scared.

Tzeitel’s large eyes widened further. She backed away from Riley, flipping backwards over the back of the seat.

Riley flinched and looked hurt.

Klaire made her way to the back and had to adjust herself, glaring at Tzeitel as she went. “Seriously?” She asked before looking at Riley. “What do you need? I can’t give it to you if you don’t voice it…”

Colt shifted in place to avoid Tzeitel accidentally touching him.

Riley pulled Klaire into a hug and cried happy to see her again “I'm sorry I couldn't save you I'm sorry I wasn't stronger back then” he whispered.

Tzeitel gave Klaire a hurt look, scrambling to get away from Colt. She flared repellent pheromones.

Piritta leaped over the seat to pounce on Riley and Klaire in an aggressive group hug.

Amit looked at Kimber “maybe we should get going?”

Colt blew the pheromones back into Tzeitel’s face, frowning at her. “Stop being a bitch.” He told her as Kimber drove them to her place. “I can’t wait to get out of this van…”

Klaire grimaced in discomfort. “Okay, I like breathing…” She choked out.

Tzeitel thought about what was left in that trash can. She hated being like this.

“Joo, pidän suomalaisesta kahvista.” Piritta said conversationally as she continued hugging Klaire and Riley.

Riley let go once he was calmed down. Feeling tired he laid on the floor next to Umbral his head on her lap.

Klaire squirmed and pulled out of the hug once Riley had let go and stared at Piritta. “What in the world does coffee have to do with breathing?”

Kimber finally set the van back down near her house and sighed heavily. “Okay, everyone out!”

< Prev : Lets Go Next > : In Hot Water