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Character Umbral

View character profile for: Umbral

The Broken Patient

The City hospital was one of the oldest buildings located across the street from the registration office. Despite Its age The building was in great shape sporting a fresh coat of paint and surrounded by several gardens and a pond. Inside it was filled with friendly staff and advanced medical technology able to treat any of the multitude of species that populated the world. Another feature was a small but very helpful psych ward, a safe haven for those who might have difficulty adjusting to their new lives. While most of his patients only endured a couple of weeks or months at most there was one singular patient that had been there for years.

No one had known his name as he has never spoken ever since arriving on Converge in a near catatonic state. Any attempts to communicate with him always resulted in nothing. It was determined that whatever trauma had happened to him before his rival had left him deeply scarred. Still the staff had refused to give up on him, making sure that he was well looked after. Over the years they had just started referring to the man as Mr Gray due to his gray eyes that seemed to just stare through anyone's soul.

“Morning Mr Gray how are we feeling today?” asked a bubbly nurse entering the room. As usual the man gave no response just sitting in his wheelchair looking out the window. Not letting the silence bother her she moved to check over him making sure there were no new injuries and that the straight jacket was secured. “We should be getting this off later today so try not to self injure yourself again. Now how about we get you some fresh air.” Grabbing The handles to his wheelchair she began to push him through the hallways before arriving outside and one of the many gardens. All while ignoring the awkward silence.

“Here let's get you in the shade so you can enjoy the beautiful day. I'll be back to check on you in a little bit and remember to behave because security is watching.” Patting his head the nurse soon left back toward the building.

After getting through security at the hospital with her ID card, Umbral walked along the sidewalks and hallways, doing her usual routine of visitations before reaching the garden where she knew the only silent occupant was at. Brushing her long soft pink hair behind an ear, she found Mr Gray and gave him a small wave. “Hey,” She told him as she got closer. “They must have cleaned you up. You’re not as grungy as last time when I visited.”

After all these years, the unicorn woman still found it enjoyable to just spend time with Mr Gray and talk to him. He may not have spoken or responded to her words, but she felt safe around him enough to talk about herself - her thoughts, her life, etc. Sure, she had friends, but none of them knew about the internal turmoil she faced. Being a unicorn had its downsides, too.

Not even the sprite that sometimes hid in her hair was one to listen to her. In fact, it had run off while they were at Kimber’s, so she had no clue what happened to it.

“How are you feeling today?” Umbral asked, knowing she wouldn’t get an answer. “Still glum? Yeah, me too. I’m still invisible to everyone, but I try my best. We have new people that showed up yesterday. Kimber is getting them registered - there’s a cat guy named Colt, a Finnish woman named Piritta and this interesting man called Amit. They’re nice enough.”

She let the silence linger for a moment as she sat in the grass.

“They can't be here” he whispered eyes staring off into space “ I watched them die like the others. Like Klaire”

“Uhm…what?” Umbral was confused as she gazed at him. This was the first time she’d heard his voice. “Wait, you know them? You know Klaire?! She’s the only one to kill one of them!!”

“She was alongside me till the death of our world and only I remained” he replied looking over to Umbral.

“Well, if this is that Klaire, she’s definitely alive. Sometimes, people that die in other worlds show up here alive and fine. Remember? I told you this.” Umbral said, still a bit shocked she was having a real conversation with Mr Gray.

Tears began to run down his face. In his mind he was no longer on Converge but rather his earth holding the woman he considered a sister in his arms as she died.

“Hey, hey,” Umbral touched his arm gently. “It’s gonna be okay. I’ll see if I can get her to come here someday, prove to you that she’s real. Okay?”

Nodding he looking up into her eyes “Riley”

“Riley? Is that your name?” Umbral asked, eyes wide.

Riley nodded giving her a light smile.

“Look, Riley, if you behave and do things right, you can leave the hospital. We can go to your friends…Klaire has mentioned your name before. If I’d known who you were, I would have brought her sooner…” Umbral explained.

Riley nodded “ I try but I close my eyes and I relive everything.”

“You can’t think about that.” Umbral reminded him. “Focus on the now and the future.”

“I lost everyone I loved. How do I move on?” He asked, looking down at the ground. “Where do I go from here?”

“How can you be sure they’re all lost?” Umbral inquired. “You may have seen a version of them die or become lost, but here people that die are alive. We’ve tried to explain this to you before. Listen, Riley…I’ve met Miss Klaire and others…perhaps they are those you lost. Perhaps not, but it’s worth a try to see them, right?”

Riley looked at her and nodded. He knew his friends were dead and he buried them during the war. But she was right, these versions of them were alive and needed his help. Still he felt nervous and unsure of how he would react upon seeing them again. Closing his eyes his body began to shake from the stress.

Umbral hesitantly rubbed Riley’s arm to help him calm down. She wasn’t sure how else to help since he could be a bit unpredictable, but she didn’t want to go running to a nurse for help. So, she did the next best thing. With a little pulse from her power, she slid a healing light into him and prayed it would help.

Riley stop shaking almost instantly as a warm protective feeling washed over him. Scooting in wheelchair he leaned into her. “Safe” he whispered “can't remember the last time I felt this way.”

“I don't know how much longer we'll be safe in this world, Riley.” Umbral replied in a whisper. “But I know it's a very nice place when They aren't causing trouble…”

Riley nodded and continued to lean against her. It was obvious he didn't want to leave her side right now. “You remind me of someone I loved,” he whispered, “kind, caring, and sweet. Your visits……I'm……thankful for them.”

“I just wanted to help.” Umbral told him with a soft smile and patted his arm. “I should head back and see if I can convince Klaire and those others to come here.”

Riley nodded and was spent for a moment as if he was working up the courage to say something. “Please……visit……again……soon……” he whispered.

“I plan to get you free, silly.” Umbral replied before leaving…

Riley watched her go before looking at the flowers again lost in his own thoughts.

< Prev : The Start Of Reunions Again! Next > : This might not be a Dream