Showing posts 16 - 30 of 43

A Set of Skills

Feb 20, 2024, 9:22am by LaserSexPanther

Océane deftly slipped free of the man’s spooning, and silently made her way over to the pack he’d left near the door. Quiet as a church mouse, he had enough bathtub booze to keep him ou ...

Sanctuary 3

Feb 19, 2024, 2:43pm by Kandy

Without really thinking, Emma took hold of Crow’s wrist and rushed forward to reach the tower. “Don’t think. Just run. We can figure out who our helping hand is later!” She told him ...

OOC: Welcome LaserSexPanther!

Feb 16, 2024, 5:36am by Kronos

Welcome to our newest Trespasser LaserSexPanther. Intrigued to see what stories you will tell of this post-visitation world with your character Oceane Dubois. Hope you enjoy the game! ...

Sanctuary 2

Feb 12, 2024, 4:52am by BrotherhoodofSteel

Crow told Emma he wore his outfit to hide his identity from the military and to protect himself while working. As they got closer to the building Crow could see a faint glare of light ref ...

Taking Cover

Feb 11, 2024, 9:45pm by Jaxx

After sweeping the building and ensuring it was safe he sat down the bags and relaxed for a moment, taking a look at his surroundings. It was a small church but study enough to weather an ...

Who Rings The Bell?

Feb 11, 2024, 9:06am by Kandy

Emma grimaced and looked toward the place that Crow indicated. “Lets check it, but be cautious,” She answered and adjusted her gas mask. It was a little uncomfortable at the moment, but ...

A Sky Full of Madness

Feb 9, 2024, 4:07am by Kronos

It felt like they had been walking for more than a day, the zone had that effect on the mind. It messed with the mind's perception of time. An hour could feel like five. Other times five hou ...

To Whom The Bells Toll

Jan 31, 2024, 9:09pm by Jaxx

With a curt nod, Emma quickly began to lead the way the best she could. The girl wasn't as familiar with the area as she wished to be since traveling here. It felt as if she had been on t ...


Jan 30, 2024, 5:50am by BrotherhoodofSteel

A lone figure walked across the barren wasteland. Covered head to toe in black military gear They only distinguishable about them were the shoulder patches bearing a white cross. After the v ...

OOC: Welcome BrotherhoodofSteel!

Jan 30, 2024, 5:20am by Kronos

Welcome BrotherhoodofSteel to Trespassers. I can't wait to see your character Rook's journey through the strange zones of the post-visitation world. ...

Wishful Thinking

Jan 29, 2024, 3:30pm by Kandy

With a curt nod, Emma quickly began to lead the way the best she could. The girl wasn't as familiar with the area as she wished to be since traveling here. It felt as if she had been on the ...

Gotta Get Away.

Jan 25, 2024, 7:20pm by Jaxx

Crow spoke up, "I go by the name Crow. As ya can see I just lost everyone I know and there are more supplies than I can carry from all this. If ya want we can work together for a 50/50 split ...

The Dangers Of Memory And An Approaching Storm

Jan 25, 2024, 5:56pm by Kandy

“Then we should move fast,” Emma retorted and pointed in the direction she had come from originally to arrive. “I saw things...dangerous things. They looked hungry and were a few miles ...

The Engine

Jan 24, 2024, 12:49pm by Kronos

The Engine was a huge iron train that travelled through a rail network constructed by the EPERG, only the most senior governmental officials and their staff were permitted use. Of course Ani ...

Join Up?

Jan 21, 2024, 9:28am by Jaxx

Crow rubbed his sore shoulder till it popped back into place. He let out a grunt then replied, "Yeah I guess I got lucky. I wuz hoping ta rescue them before we crashed, but I guess I am da ...

Showing posts 16 - 30 of 43