Trespassers - a play-by-post rpg

Trespassers play-by-post roleplaying game


Story Posts

H2O Anyone?

Jun 10, 2024, 1:07pm by Jaxx

Emma looked at Crow before nodding in agreement with him. She had to agree that it would be smart to avoid trouble, but she also knew that fights were an inevitability in a world like thi ...


Jun 9, 2024, 5:41am by BrotherhoodofSteel

"She's right anything that hasn't been picked over yet probably it's going to get destroyed in the storm" Rook replied with a shrug before setting up a camping stove "either of you hungry ...

Isolation Face

May 17, 2024, 3:35pm by Kronos

Duncan had climbed up the fence, tumbling from the top into the long moist grass below. "Shit-" he exclaimed, feeling a sharp pain in his back. This was all he needed. Now he had nobo ...

Do Tell

Apr 28, 2024, 3:19pm by Kandy

"She's right anything that hasn't been picked over yet probably it's going to get destroyed in the storm" Rook replied with a shrug before setting up a camping stove "either of you hungry ...

Showing 4 out of 43 posts

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Post Summary

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2024 21 11 5 3 1 2

Game Information

Created by : Kronos

Category : Sci-Fi Adventure Apocalyptic Mature

Number of characters : 9

Number of posts : 43

Created : Jan 3, 2024




There are 5 members in this game

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