Showing posts 121 - 135 of 371

Mischief Is Her Game

Jul 19, 2024, 4:30am by Morphy514

Crimson eyes gazed down at the police as they scrambled to keep up with the group of criminals that she had let loose with the key she'd stolen. Resting her arms on the railing, she smirked ...

Chase, Chat, and Charm (Because I can't think of a better title!)

Jul 18, 2024, 4:35pm by DancingPenguin

With Demitri Demitri curses and pulls his gun up, resting it against his shoulder with irritation. “Bitch...” He mutters and slips from his hiding spot quickly. It is best not ...

OOC - Join The Gifted Discord

Jul 18, 2024, 3:10pm by Lorem

Attention all active players at the Gifted! We now have a discord server for our rpg. Please join. This will enable us to communicate, keep track of impor ...

The Wild West

Jul 17, 2024, 4:06pm by OhManMyBad

It had been two days since Cyrus crossed the Mississippi River. What used to divide the East and the West, now divided the law and the lawless. The Gateway Arch, mangled and barely standing, ...

Almost There

Jul 17, 2024, 12:35am by Lorem

The Wilderness - Bighorn Basin, Wyoming Perrine sat at the front of the wagon, guiding Luna through the post-apocalyptic landscape with a practiced hand. His thoughts churned as So ...

Physical Therapy

Jul 17, 2024, 12:17am by Lorem

Underground Mutant Community - Medical Wing Finlay nodded faintly, feeling a mixture of relief and exhaustion. He closed his eyes briefly as Khunara got to her feet, grabbing a cha ...

Unexpected twist (it wont let me select what characters are in this post)

Jul 10, 2024, 9:30pm by BiscuitDiety

"Lydia!" The familiar voice, unmistakably belonging to a young man, pierced the chaotic air behind her. She whipped around just in time to see one of her followers collapse to the ground. ...

When Danger Follows

Jul 1, 2024, 1:30am by DancingPenguin

Demitri keeps up, watching through a scope as he gets into position. Taking in a deep breath, he calculates and determines his next action. No other target he faces has been this difficult b ...


Jun 30, 2024, 6:43pm by OhManMyBad

Hey everyone, I hope the game isn't dead. Thanks for letting me join :D ...

Road King

Jun 30, 2024, 6:39pm by OhManMyBad

There was something pleasant about the night air. Cyrus smiled as he felt the sting of cold against his face, his motorcycle rumbling beneath him as he hauled ass down the highway. A peculia ...

Progressing Nicely

Jun 6, 2024, 1:19am by Lorem

Underground Mutant Community - Medical Wing Finlay blinked slowly, his mind still foggy but beginning to clear with each passing moment. He turned his head slightly to focus on Dr ...

To Stay Still is a Luxury

Jun 6, 2024, 1:06am by Lorem

The Wilderness - Bighorn Basin, Wyoming Perrine listened and, always a man of few words, simply nodded, acknowledging her comments. "Stayn steel iz a luxry," he responded, his voi ...


Jun 1, 2024, 5:05am by sole-less

Juniper glanced up from her camera, noticing the small coffee shop ahead. She tucked her camera into her bag and stepped inside, the familiar scent of coffee beans and baked goods wrapping a ...

Preparing for battle

Apr 22, 2024, 10:01pm by BiscuitDiety

Lydia's nose tingled with the scent of blood as she lowered her head ever so slightly, swiftly using her wool sleeve to erase the evidence before anyone could notice. Leading her small mutan ...

Witty Title Here

Apr 16, 2024, 3:51pm by DancingPenguin

Sophia is silent as she listens to Perrine, working to braid her hair more tightly. If she is going to keep on the move, she needed to keep it out of her way. “I do what must be done.” S ...

Showing posts 121 - 135 of 371