Chase, Chat, and Charm (Because I can't think of a better title!)

With Demitri

Demitri curses and pulls his gun up, resting it against his shoulder with irritation. “Bitch...” He mutters and slips from his hiding spot quickly. It is best not to give away his location so easily. One shot is enough, but if they cannot pinpoint him, they cannot follow. He has his suspicions that they know who he is now, but he is not losing his target so easily.

Keeping his distance, he maneuvers around and straps his gun on, choosing to grab his pistol from his hip for now. What he's using are specialized tranquilizer rounds – or darts, if one prefers – that will only render a person unconscious. His boss made it very clear he is not allowed to use actual bullets because they want this Lydia girl alive.

If he has any choice in the matter he would just kill her.

So he kept a good distance, but never let the group out of his sight...


With Khunara

After completing the meal schedule and submitting it to a nurse in charge of such things, Khunara steps out into the hallway where Johnathan awaits. Spotting the cigarette behind his ear, she reaches up and plucks the offending item away, twisting it between her fingers. A coy smile forms on her as she looks up at him. “As a medic, I am going to advice you against smoking, you know. These things will destroy your lungs pretty quickly and I doubt you want to die from lung cancer.” She comments in her soft voice.

She holds up the cigarette playfully, letting Johnathan see a whole new side of her.


With Sophia

Hearing Perrine, sophia contemplates how to answer. She knows that Honey has no regrets about how they met, but she wishes their meeting had been less about her past and more about just a simple meeting. “I...” She begins and bites at her bottom lip. “Honey saved me...that's all I can say.”

It is not a lie, but she does not want to go into the nasty details of what was happening back then. She wishes to leave the past where it belongs: The Past.

Honey lets out a rough snort as she trots along with the group, ears twitching and turning just slightly on her head as she listens. The wolf-dog is always on alert and ready to strike if need be, but sensing no real danger, she calms a bit and keeps up with the others. The companion to Sophia continually changes places from walking along to sitting next to Sophia with Perrine.

She is very comfortable with the pair of mutated humans than she is with anyone else, it seems.

“When we find a place to rest, I'll take first watch.” Sophia offers after some time of travel. It is the least she can do after all the kindness Perrine has been showing her.

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