Physical Therapy

Underground Mutant Community - Medical Wing

Finlay nodded faintly, feeling a mixture of relief and exhaustion. He closed his eyes briefly as Khunara got to her feet, grabbing a chart and focusing on setting up a proper diet for him on her way out. He could sense her concern for his well-being, and it warmed him despite his weariness.

After a while, a nurse entered the room with a tray of food. The aroma of warm soup filled the air, accompanied by freshly baked bread and a small dish of fruit. Finlay's stomach rumbled at the sight and smell of the nourishing meal, and he gratefully accepted it, savoring each bite as he ate slowly, mindful of replenishing his depleted energy.

Once he finished eating, another nurse arrived to assist with his physical therapy. She introduced herself as Nurse Emma, a cheerful woman with a gentle demeanor. She explained the exercises she would guide Finlay through to help him regain strength and mobility.

“Alright, Finlay,” Nurse Emma said with a reassuring smile. “We'll start with some gentle stretches to get your muscles moving again.”

She helped him sit up in bed, supporting his back as he carefully swung his legs over the side. Finlay felt a rush of dizziness as he adjusted to the change in position, but Emma steadied him with a firm grip on his arm.

“Take it slow,” she encouraged him. “Just gentle movements to start.”

They began with simple stretches, focusing on his arms and legs, easing into deeper stretches as Finlay's muscles gradually responded to the movement. Emma monitored his reactions closely, adjusting the exercises as needed to ensure his comfort and safety.

As they progressed, Emma guided Finlay through a series of leg lifts and light resistance exercises using bands. She explained each movement in detail, helping him understand the purpose behind them and encouraging him to breathe steadily through the exertion.

After what felt like both an eternity and a fleeting moment, they concluded the session with a few relaxation techniques to help Finlay ease back into a resting position. Emma adjusted his pillows and covered him with a warm blanket, ensuring he was comfortable before quietly leaving the room. She assured him that someone would be around later to help with bathing.

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