(Khunara/Johnathan) Making Conversation (Pt. 2)

Khun stares at her hands as she strokes a finger over the strap of her bag and wonders what awaits her in the future. As much as she loves to help people, she is also very afraid of what they can do to her. Not being a fighter, the only defense she has is a scalpel and pepper spray whenever she can get a hold of some. Most of the time it is always left to luck protecting her from the hell that others bring upon her.

"You don't need to apologize. The drive to the Society is a long ride, feel free to talk about anything that's on your mind." Johnathan pauses for a moment, sitting in silence and thinking about his next words carefully before speaking again. "For the record though, I think that what you have dedicated your time to is honorable and compassionate."

Looking at him, letting his words sink in, Khun cannot help but let out a soft and bitter laugh. “I wish most people could see it that way,” She says, looking at the road now. “The last person I helped was a rarity and helped me learn about the Society to begin with, but most of the time I get attacked for my help because they either want my supplies, drugs, or worse things…”

Fingers tightening around the strap of her bag, she grits her teeth against the memories of all the times someone has attacked her. Each time she gets away somehow, but she always worries about how long her luck will last. How long will my luck last before they find and execute me, too? She thinks with worry. How long do I have left before I end up dead like the other Walkers?

Swallowing the fear, she glances at Johnathan.

She hopes he is being honest about offering her a sanctuary.

< Prev : Secret hide out Next > : Unease (John/Khunara)