Secret hide out

After what felt like hours of walking in stale cold air with sopping wet clothing, and very little of it, Lydia stopped at a small hole in one of the cement walls. She reached into it, her hand shaking slightly, and pulled out a bag. Inside of the bag were cans of food, fresh water bottles, and a change of clothes. She turned to Finlay, offering him a hoodie and sweat pants that would fit her frame - and therefor, would fit Finlay in his current state. "You need these more than I do right now. Cynthia stashed some stuff in these sewers when we used to hide out down here. There's a can of beans, or some snacks. Fresh water. Do you need or want any of this?" She asked, a seemingly tired smile spread across her lips. Her voice was somewhat strained, almost as if she were forcing an energetic tone. In reality, she was growing tired. The majority of her time in the city today had been spent running at full speed, and using every ounce of physical energy she could. This, however, was nothing too out of the ordinary for her. Even before the rupture, before she'd been given an ability that deemed her 'dangerous', she was always very active. There was a time when she was a normal teenage girl, and she had spent all of her free time in the gym, cheer leading, camping, hunting, and any other physical activity that could keep her busy. Now, her rigorous lifestyle paid of greatly. But still, there was only so much that even she could handle.

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