Making conversation (Johnathan/Khunara)

Johnathan kept his eyes glued to the road, he'd never been great when other people displayed any kind of emotion - but he did try to be friendly, often failing. "You don't need to apologize. The drive to the society is a long ride, feel free to talk about anything that's on your mind." He paused for a moment, sitting in silence and thinking about his next words carefully before speaking again. "For the record though, I think that what you have dedicated your time to is honorable and compassionate." His eyes still glued to the path in front of them, he smiled softly. His smile was genuine as he thought about the incredible compassion is must take to risk your life to save other peoples lives. He wondered to himself just how many times she's used her abilities, how many times she has risked everything for the good of other people. Though he rarely ever voiced his thoughts and opinions, it ate away at him constantly that there were so many mutants with the abilities and good hearts that want to help, to make a difference in the world - and yet, they were met with brutality and harsh reality.

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