No man left behind

Lydia sifted through her backpack and pulled out a protein bar. "I have this too. Plus a few other things. That water is meant for replenishing electrolytes, so both of these together might help just a little bit." She said, handing Finlay the protein bar after unwrapping it. " Back in their underground camp, Lydia was well known as ruthless, heartless even. But she was also known to never leave a man behind. Her methods weren't always innocent, but she got done what needed to be done. This was no different. "I know you're exhausted. I've felt what you're feeling before. However, the choices we have are to die down here, or keep moving and eventually get to safety - there's no in between. Take a few minutes to rest your muscles, eat a snack and drink some water, then we gotta go."

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