Glass Half Full

Sewer - Sheridan, Wyoming

Finlay lay there in the dimly lit sewer, his transformation into a 5'4" female form leaving him feeling emotionally drained and physically exhausted. The weight of the events that had transpired weighed heavily on his mind, and he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. The juxtaposition of the two Lydia's was like night and day; one strong and one weak.

As Lydia's voice reached his ears, he tried to respond, but his words came out as a hoarse whisper. His muscles ached, and his limbs felt heavy as if they were made of lead. This level of fatigue was unlike anything he had experienced before, even with his rigorous activities as a mountain climber and farmhand.

When Lydia rolled over and crawled back toward him, offering a bottle of water, Finlay did his best to summon the strength to move. With trembling hands, he reached for the bottle and tried to drink with needed assistance, some of the water spilling down his chin due to his unsteady grip. It felt refreshing, but he knew that it would take more than a few sips to regain his energy. He took several long deep breaths.

"I... I can try," he managed to murmur, his voice feeble but determined. Despite his exhaustion, Finlay knew that they needed to get going. He had to keep moving, even if it meant progressing at a slow and arduous pace. The thought of what lay ahead and the hope of reuniting with his family fueled his resolve, even in his weakened state. Finlay groaned and with the speed of the undead began trying to position himself to follow Lydia's lead once more. Even though every ounce of him wanted to stop, he willed himself to keep going.

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