
“Khunara, but just call me Khun. I prefer that.” Khun replies as she hesitantly gets into the passenger seat. She sets her medical bag on the floor between her feet and buckles up, always one for safety first. Her mind is swirling with all the types of things that this stranger could do to her, but is not yet doing. Maybe he really is an honest man and will not harm her.

She cannot know if she does not try, right?

As she’s settling in, she hears his question and freezes for a long moment. “uhm…I…” She glances away, unsure of if she should tell this man what she is. It frightens her to think of someone else knowing, of anyone knowing. The only people aware of her power are her family and they refuse to speak up due to the embarrassment it will cause them.

Biting her bottom lip nervously, she looks at Jhonathan. “Uhm…I’m…” Her lack of a response may be enough to tell him, honestly. She’s never once had to tell anyone about her power, about what type of Mutant she is.

That fear returns…

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