Memories With Hard Decisions (Khun/John)

“You still haven’t told me your name…” Khun persists as she watches him and glances down the road where Lydia disappeared. A telepath, huh? What does that make me? Will they really protect me from those who want Walkers dead? She thinks and thinks, putting pros and cons against each other. If only she can think of a solution.

When he mentions a phone number, her cheeks turn a soft pink as embarrassment courses through her. “I…I don’t have a phone.” She says, shuffling her bag and pulling it into an awkward hug. “I don’t live around here either, so I don’t have anything of value.”

Well, there is her medical bag with its supplies, but maybe he’s aware that she’ll fight to the death for this thing. “If you are really going to help me, will you take me to this secret society? And answer some questions I have?” Her grip tightens on the bag and she thinks of home, of what it is like to feel safe and warm.

Yet, she cannot really recall it. Only a year passed and she is forgetting what comfort and safety are already? This hits her a bit harder than she expects and sudden tears sting her eyes. She quickly wipes them away and looks at the stranger before making a decision. It might be a reckless choice, a dumb one that may cost her her life, but it is all she’s got at the moment.

Khun makes her way to the van.

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