Sorrowful glance

Once away from the tormented soul bound to a chair, Lydia's head began to clear. She shook her whole body, trying to get rid of the darkness she had felt just seconds ago. With a clear mind, Lydia grabbed Finlays hand and ran as fast as she could - again. "Don't worry about the officers! Their injuries won't be fatal!" She shouted, yelling over the alarm that rang through the precinct. Finally out the front door, Lydia stopped for a moment to exchange a glance with Finlays father. With eyes locked on him, she brought her ability to the surface to communicate through his mind; "You will see your son again, but right now he needs to get out of sight. Get home to your wife, and protect your family. You have to pretend, to everyone, that you hate that your son is a mutant. That you could never love such a monster. She then took her leave, dragging Finlay behind her to once again try and escape through the city's storm drains.

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