Recognizing One’s Own

Sewers - Sheridan, Wyoming

Finlay felt like he was going to be sick as Lydia pulled him away from the harrowing scene in the police station. As they raced away from the chaos, Lydia's words reached him even amidst the blaring alarm. He strained to hear her instructions and couldn't help but look back at the injured officers they were leaving behind. Her reassurance that their injuries weren't fatal offered some solace, but he couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Her actions saved him, yes, but probably setback mutant and human relations considerably.

Finally, outside the police station, Lydia had paused for a brief moment, locking eyes with Finlay's father. Finlay watched this silent exchange, his heart heavy with worry for what lay ahead. In the form of Lydia, his green eyes made eye contact with his father and there was a flash of recognition between them both. John Wyndwood could hardly fathom the girl before him was his son.

When Lydia's mental communication reached Finlay’s father, John couldn't help but clutch his chest, feeling the weight of the difficult task Lydia had given him. He knew that what she was asking was essential for their safety, but it tore at his heart to think they would have to pretend to hate their beloved son. With a heavy heart, he nodded, understanding that this was the only way to protect his family.

As Lydia led Finlay away once more, this time towards the storm drains, Finlay couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence. He knew that she was his best hope right now in navigating the risky world of mutants and government agencies. He was trying his best to keep up with her.

< Prev : Memories With Hard Decisions (Khun/John) Next > : Comforting a stranger (John/Khunara)