Sweet Moments (JP)

Johnathan looked up from his paperwork, noticing the pinkish hue that had warmed Khuns cheeks. He smiled softly and kept his eyes on her. "Something else you wanted to say?" He asked, almost teasingly.

Khun gulped audibly and let out a soft laugh. "Oh, nothing, just thinking a few things." She said and waved her hands a little dramatically. "I haven't ever been with a man that wasn't either my father or a patient this long before, so I'm unsure how to act or what to do at times. The most I've done is that kiss I gave you earlier..."

Johnathan sat back in his chair for a second, pressing his lips together as he silently begged whatever diving being was out there for a solid amount of self control. "Is it intimidating for you?" He asked genuinely, trying to grasp whether or not she was uncomfortable or if he'd been coming on too strong.

"Oh, no, it's not intimidating or anything. It's just all so new to me." Khunara replied quickly, fearing she might scare him off. "All my life it's been work, work, work...my family was strict and any time I even considered the prospect of being with someone they were on me about it. Plus, most people just wanted to be with me because of my family's money...this is...it's just all new and I worry I might mess up at something. I hope my kiss didn't come off as too forward or anything."

"It's a good thing money is just about useless these days." Johnathan quipped. "I don't need money, I have my own fortune. And you don't have to worry about messing up, because you're the only person I have my eyes on." He said, sitting up a little straighter. "Let me show you something." He said, suddenly standing up and walking towards the door. He paused when he approached where she was sitting, offering his hand.

Khunara was a little perplexed by this sudden offer, but gladly reached her hand out and took his. She was curious and those words had sent butterflies fluttering through her stomach. It was so nice to hear Johnathan of all people say that to her, making her heart race and all those happy chemicals began to spill into her brain. What coudl he want to show her?

Johnathan Led Khunara outside and towards the back of the house. "You ready for a bit of a walk?" He asked, grinning.

"I'd say I'm an expert at walking due to my job," Khunara replied with a grin of her own, tone teasing.

Johnathan looked upward and shrugged "fair enough." He said before turning to walk away from the house, still guiding her by her hand.

Happy to follow, Khunara went with him and glanced around at the world around him. This place was so beautiful and comforting compared to the cities she'd been stuck in for so long. "This is nice," She said softly, a real smile on her face now. "I've been in the cities for so long that I sometimes forget the world has changed so much on its own."

"Wait until you see how it's affected the wild life. I hunt once a week when the supplies start to run low, and I've seen pink dear with two heads, birds with four wings.. it just never ceases to amaze me." He said, walking towards a large clearing in the trees. When the woods opened up, it revealed an acre of land that hosted thriving crops. As the sun began to sit lower in the sky, the clouds took on pink and orange hues. "This is how we keep everyone fed. During the day, we have some of the others come up here and maintain the crops - it isn't a lot, but it's enough for now." He said, smiling.

Brown eyes going wide, a soft gasp escaped Khunara as she took in the scenery around them. A hand slipped up to her face, covering her mouth. "Oh, wow..." She murmured and smiled. "They're just crops but they're beautiful!"

Johnathan turned towards her, smiling softly. "I figured if you haven't had your first kiss yet, it should be special." He said, gently brushing a lock of stray hair behind her ear. He wrapped one arm around her waist and kept the other one behind her ear, entangled in her hair. "Is this okay?" He asked softly, ignoring the heart beat that had started drumming in his ears.

Khunara's face flushed again as she gazed up at this handsome man, her lips parting just slightly as she took a moment to register his words. Her first kiss? Was he really going to kiss her?

It finally clicked that he'd asked for the okay and she could only nod, too lost for words. Her hands gently settled on his chest, a smile forming on her lips. It felt magical having him here with her, touching her and speaking with her.

Johnathan smiled and brought his lips to meet hers. He held her gently in his arms, pulling her closer to him. He didn't breath the kiss for some time, and instead spent several seconds just appreciating everything. When he did finally pull away, he placed another soft kiss on her forehead.

The moment their lips met, fireworks seemed to shoot off and explode inside Khunara's mind. Her heart raced and the butterflies in her stomach danced around in a spiral of joy. She'd never felt so complete in her life, so wanted and needed before. It felt so natural to return the kiss, to press back and share the kiss with this man.

When he pulled away, she felt almost a little cold, but the softness pressed to her forehead felt like a promise for more.

All she could whisper was, "Wow."

Johnathan gently held her hands in his and smiled. "You a little less nervous now?" He asked, his tone just above a whisper.

"Yes," She replied with a soft smile in return. Her hands gently squeezed his as reassurance for him. "I feel most at ease around you, Johnathan..."

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