Girl Talk (JP)

It took some walking around and actually asking a few people for directions, but Kyra was finally able to find the cafeteria. Letting out a heavy sigh, she pushed a lock of her curls behind an ear and waved at a few kids on her way through the door. She had her long box with her as she glanced around for Lydia. "Hm...not here yet, I guess." She murmured and walked around to a table that was empty.

Taking a seat, she settled her box to the side and pulled out an apple in her pocket. She'd swiped it out of the pocket of one of the more handsy men down the hall. He was known for flirting with the nurses and she knew he wouldn't be missing the apple once he got things going.

"I'll just wiat here until she shows up." She chuckled.

Lydia, after 10 minutes had passed, finally showed up. She had changed out of the tactical gear to something more fit for running, and for a teenager. She wore gray sweatpants and a plain white tank top. Her long brown hair was down in its usual sideways braid. "Sorry, I got caught up talking to some of the nurses in the medical wing." She said, taking her seat across from Kyra. "Finlay is with Axo right now, the pink haired therapist lady." Her speech was more casual now, something that was fairly rare for her. Though, it would've been seen as common by a close friend or family. "Where'd you get the apple?"

"That pervert that's always flirting with the nurses," Kyra said with a smirk, taking a bite from it. "I want to know who he traded with to get it, it's great tasting!" Pulling out her knife, she cut out a slice and held it out to Lydia. "Why is he with Axo?"

Lydia grabbed the slice of apple from the knife and popped it in her mouth, nodding in approval at the sweetness of the fruit. "He lost control of his power again. When I brought him down here, he had only just discovered that he was one of the gifted." She said, using her fingers for sarcastic quotation marks. She hated the term gifted. They were mutated human beings, even if the word mutants was offensive to most, it's what she felt was the most accurate way to describe what they'd all become.

"How old is this guy?" Kyra asked before taking another bite. She chewed for a moment to give Lydia the time she needed to respond. In all honestly, this wasn't giving Finlay any brownie points in her opinion.

Lydia thought silently for a few seconds - her head was full of memories, some being her own, and most being hundreds of other peoples memories and experiences. Trying to find a single memory was difficult at times. "He's 16. Cute, in my opinion, worked and lived on a farm with his family. He's a sweet guy, but he's incredibly timid. Scared the shit out of El, I think." she said, remembering the fit that was thrown over the tarantula that often accompanied El.

"So he's afraid of spiders..." Kyra mused as she cut another slice of apple and offered it to her friend. "Well, just because he's sweet doesn't mean he's a trustworthy individual, Lydia. Remember, he's a shapeshifter and you know what happened to me the last time I ran into one. He tries anything that suggests he'll betray us, you know I'll make sure he'll regret it."

Lydia took the apple slice, but kept the eye contact locked in when she spoke again. "You know better than anyone that I am nearly incapable of trust. I've seen betrayel in more than a hundred different forms from all different people - their expierinces, their trauma, it sticks with me." She said before eating the apple slice and slumping back in her chair a little bit. "But." She started, her expression softening into something more resemblant of amusement. "Fact of the matter is, I'm still 15 and I think he's cute."

"You're a teenager still fueled by hormones, you mean." Kyra pointed out. "Fact is, you both are. Don't let some teenage boy blind you to what needs to be done, okay? That's all I'm warning you about. I'm not Cynthia, so I won't be surgar coating anything for you. I'm not here to protect you from that. I'm here to keep your ass safe from being taken in by EAST and...I'm your friend. As your friend, I want you to be careful."

Lydia had grown somewhat irritated by the conversation, but was understanding that Kyra was simply worried about her, and cautious about the shapeshifter. Nonetheless, she felt like teasing was necassary. "You might be right. How's that Russian dude by the way? Dimitri?" She asked, trying her best not to give in to the impulsive thought of reading her friends mind. She never read peoples minds without asking, unless the situation called for it.

"He's healing, but I think he's used to moving around a lot. The man was working out when I visited him earlier." Kyra said with a shrug. "Getting him to talk took some threatening, but once he finally opened up I realized why he's been working for those assholes. His daughter, Evelyn, is still locked up by EAST and he wants her back. It's easy to tell he feels like he's failed her." With a sigh, she took one last bit from the apple. The last bit she cut off and handed to Lydia, always happy to share with her friend. "And sorry if I seem a bit overbearing. You know how I am about shapeshifters..."

Lydia gratefully took the last piece of the sweet fruit. "It's okay, I know it's a sensitive subject. But we can't assume that they're all the same. Just as people can't assume all mutants are horrible people that use their gifts to hurt others." She rolled her eyes when a few people sitting near them scowled at the term 'mutants.' "They act like it's the worst curse word they've ever heard." She said before eating the slice of apple.

Kyra looked toward the others. "You got a problem, brats?! Mind your own damn business!" She spat her words out at them, instantly making them all look away. The necromancer was known for her lack of tolerance with bullshit, so most people instantly avoided angering her. "They're just being children. The word mutant isn't even a problem. It's the fact we're treated like shit just for being different that's the issues." She shrugged. "Know when we need to go speak with Finlay?"

Lydia got a page from Axo just as Kyra asked about Fin. "Yehp, we're good to go now. You sure you want to step in for this one? He's sensitive." She said honestly

"I'll let you do all the talking," Kyra said as she grabbed up her case and stood up. "Lets go see how this kid is doing." Despite her calling Finlay a kid, she never seemed to see Lydia as one.

Lydia nodded and followed. The pair walking side by side was intimidating enough that nearly everyone dipped out of the hallways that lydia and Kyra traveled through. "This is his room." Lydia said once they had entered the medical wing. She knocked on the door a few times.

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