To Understand A Limp (JP)

Khunara stretched out her limbs and let out a happy sigh when her back finally gave a satisfying pop. "Today has been a busy one." She said softly as she looked through the folders she had just set down on the desk for El. The spider lover took it all and would soon have everything perfectly organized for the nurses and such. "Thank you, Miss El. You're a very kind person."

With that, she made her way upstairs to find Johnathan. Making a beeline for his office, she gently knocked.

Johnathan had just finished with a stack of papers concerning the food and water supply for the haven. He smiled, figuring it was Khunara who was at the door. "It's open, you can come in." He said, fighting a yawn that tried to escape.

Gently opening the door, the doctor stepped into the room with a smile. "Hello," She said in that sweet tone of hers as she let the door close. "Mind if I sit for a moment? My feet are killing me from all the walking and standing I've done today." Her eyes went to the nearest chair with silent hope for her feet.

Johnathan motioned to the chair on the other side of his desk. "You're always welcome to come up here and relax. I'm sure that being the head of a medical wing with entirely volunteer nurses is a little exhausting." He said, the corners of his lips tugging upward in a slight smile. "I'm almost finished with what I've been working on for a month or so now." He said, running his fingers through his hair to brush it out of his face.

Khunara watched the movement, always loving how his hair seemed to stubbornly disobey him at times while just doing as he wanted when he didn't seem to pay it any mind. A light flush formed on her face as she took the seat he'd offered and let out a bashful giggle. "I would be here more often if I wasn't so busy." She admitted. "The nurses are great and El even helped out. Her limp worries me, though."

Johnathan nodded and slid over a small paperclipped stack of papers - El's photo and description of her occupation, history, and personal information on the front page. "This is everything we know about El, including how she got that limp. I haven't really looked into much." He said, feeling confident that he could share private information with Khun.

Taking the file, Khun looked through it for a long moment and hummed. "Burns are a difficult thing to work with these days. I see why she hasn't tried getting it fixed or anything. Skin grafts aren't easy to come by when most people are just lucky to have their families around." She explained with a sadness in her eyes. As much as she wanted to help El, she knew there wasn't anything she could do without the proper surgeons and people with matching DNA. "She's such a wonderful help, though. I'll be sure to remind her next time I see her." Plus, Shimmer and the other spiders had been so helpful whenever the doctor had dropped a bunch of papers earlier.

Johnathan nodded, his eyes focused on the papers in front of him - several files concerning the latest ailments of members in the haven. "She's impressive with her ability to manage a tough workload. You two have that in common." He said, flipping through a few pages with interest.

Nodding, Khunara leaned back in the chair and gently returned El's file to the desk. "I will see if there is anything I can do for her pain, though. It's obvious from the limp she must be in some pain at least." She explained and watched Johnathan as if she wanted to say something else. The words seemed to disappear the moment she thought them, though. Another blush formed on her face as she looked away.

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