The Complaints Of Walking (JP)

Lydia remained lost in thought as they neared the abandoned farmhouse. The trees and brush stayed thick, offering the pack of mutants natural stealth. She had closed her eyes a few minutes ago, as though she were sleeping, but she was instead searching through her memories, and the memories of people who's heads she had been in once. Though there was almost always some form of hatred, rage, or anger, she had found a different, more quiet, reoccurring emotion in those memories.... guilt. The memories that were not her own often involved accidental murder, or hurting someone that was cared about, even hurting strangers had invoked sadness in many mutants. Then she went through her own memories - the things she had done to protect what her sister and Johnathan had worked so hard to build. There were things even Cynthia was unaware of. Lydia sighed to herself. It was clear that Cyrus was right and holding the political figures hostage, or killing them, would only lead to more harm and guilt. It would likely lead to an all out war - a massacre, even.

Cynthia rotated her neck from side to side, wincing as little pops could be heard. Her heart rate quickened the more she thought about the may ways this could go. Perhaps Lydia would take a more sympathetic approach... or maybe she'd kill the Senator and Governer. Maybe she'd even storm E.A.S.T. Cynthia silently prayed that whatever they did, she'd be forgiven and not sent to Hell for eternity.

Kyra, being the driver, was silent as she kept her focus on the path ahead - or lack there of. The more trees meant more cover, but it also meant she had to be more careful. "Hey, mustache, think ya can keep us safe from hitting a tree?" She asked in a teasing tone, hoping to lighten the mood just a little. The tension in the air was making her very uncomfortable already.

She was aware things could go many ways, but a girl could hope things would go well. The Necromancer never had such luck, though, she was expecting the worst anyway.

She finally had to stop the truck, sadly. There was no more room for a truck to get through from where they were. "Never mind..." She grumbled and looked to everyone else as she cut off the engine. "We gotta walk from here, it seems. Lydia, it's up to you to lead the way from here."

Cyrus climbed out of the vehicle and stretched, this would be a nice place, if it weren't for the whole kidnap and ransom plot. "So... what now?"

Lydia stretched out once her feet hit the ground. "Luckily, we're only about a mile away. Should be about a 20 minute walk, give or take." She said, already starting towards the direction of the abandoned farm house.

Cynthia positioned herself so that she'd be walking between Kyra and Cyrus. She wasn't used to this kind of tension, and probably would never be. But she'd known Kyra long enough to know that she's smart, strong, protective, and chaotic - walking beside her made Cynthia feel comforted. Cyrus was new, but Cynthia had seen glimpses of his past when he was a soldier. He'd been loyal and brave, and fought well. The combined protection of Cyrus and Kyra was enough to give Cynthia confidence in their mission.

Kyra did her own stretches before grabbing the strap of her box and following Lydia, letting Cynthia stay between herself and Cyrus. She was silent for the most part at this point, more than ready to face the problem ahead. Though, the tension in the air made it feel like the old game of "cat and mouse", something she'd dealt with a lot in her teenager years of life.

"Lets get this walk done." She said.

"I hate walking." Cyrus grumbled as they marched on. He had no idea what he'd just gotten himself into, but fuck it, here he was. Can't unring that bell. Cyrus didn't talk much on the walk, he wanted to think. He would have to come up with a plan eventually, might as well do it now. Cyrus was also taking in his surroundings, mentally documenting landmarks and taking notes of the area. Head on swivel Riddell... head on a swivel. "Are we there yet?" He finally spoke up after about 15 minutes of walking.

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