The Ride (JP)

"Just about" Lydia responded as she walked between some trees and squinted her eyes. She could make out a wall with scratched red paint behind thick brush. "It's up here" She said, quickening her pace. It took less than 5 minutes before the abandoned farmhouse stood before them in it's pathetic and worn down state. A woman came out to greet Cynthia and the others. She was average height, about 5' 5" and fit, probably in her early 20s.

"There were some injuries to the team, but we all got out ok. No injuries to the senator and governer." She reported. "Who's the nee guy?" She asked, jerking her chin towards Cyrus and offering a wave.

Kyra did a small hop as she caught up to Lydia and saw the woman. The question was obviously directed at Cynthia, so she looked toward Lydia. "So, what are we doing now that we're here?" She asked, tone serious. "I know you want to negotiate, but do you really think these people will agree to any terms we make? Mutants aren't exactly loved by most of society..."

Her crimson eyes glanced toward Cyrus. She wondered if things would work out with this guy around.

Cyrus waved back to Lydia's cohort. He knew Lydia had asked him to take charge, but these people didn't know him, so for now he would remain unassuming. He also knew his plan wouldn't settle with them, as Kyra was already expressing doubt. For now, he'd just keep his mouth shut and tag along.

Lydia pushed the door open and walked inside. "I'm going to share some memories with them first. Let them see and feel what we've been through. And what we have had to do just to survive. I can make it so that they feel as though they're living the memories. What I'm still working on is whos memories I want them to see." She said, stopping to wait for the others.

Cynthia smiled politely at the woman. Her name was Abigail, and she was a devout follower of Lydia. Abigail had only been with them for a few months, but Lydia had saved her life and shown skills far beyond her age, winning Abigails loyalty in the process. "This is a new friend." Cynthia responded, not giving out his name just yet - in case he wasn't comfortable with it. "He's here to help, and advise if necessary." She turned to Cyrus and motioned for him to come closer. "This is Abigail." She told him, moving her focus back to the woman

Kyra looked toward Cynthia for a moment before following Lydia inside. "I'm not sure you'd want them to have my memories. At least not the ones where I caused trouble...though that trouble was warranted considering it helped mutants like us get their freedom back." She almost whispered the last half of her words, thinking of the children she'd saved the past few years with her abrasive behavior. She always took risks to help children.

"If you want them to see some of my memories, you can, but I can't guarantee they'll like what they see." She spoke up again to Lydia.
August 8, 2024

Cyrus was intrigued by this course of action. It was certainly a step up from executing them on live TV. Especially not Governor Dalton Conrad, that man was a heartlands heart throb and they definitely would not be winning friends with his gruesome demise. Senator Judd Prescott on the other hand? Well they may need to kill him for the brownie points. Haha... just kidding.

"Maybe you should look at their memories too?" Cyrus suggested.

Lydia thought for a second and nodded in agreement. "I think that would help provide us some perspective on what they've had to endure, too. Thank you Cyrus." She replied to Cyrus before turning her attention back to Kyra. "I think between you and me, we can show then just how hard life has been for mutants and why so many of us have to take extreme measures to protect those who won't or cant protect themselves." She said as she glanced at the door leading to the basement. "Are we all going down, or would any of you prefer to stay up stairs?"

Cynthia shifted her weight nervously. She would've preferred to stay away from what could turn ugly... but she couldnt, or wouldn't, let her young sister do this alone. She exchanged a glance with Lydia, then relieved a telepathic message your empathetic personality may play an important role here. was all Lydia said to her. Cynthia understood it wasn't really an option for her. If Lydia called, Cynthia came.

Kyra offered Lydia a nod, her expression serious, but there was something in her eyes that rarely showed. It was a pain only Lydia had seen in them a few times. As friends, Lydia had learned the hard truth that Kyra faced while growing up, the loss of her father to his cancer, and how hard living on the street had been. That never stopped the older woman from pushing on in life, though.

She never gave up.

"Let's do this." She said in a strangely calm voice and looked toward Cyrus. "If things go south, I want you to focus on getting Cynthia and Lydia out first. Got it?"

Cyrus nodded in agreement. He wasn't used to taking orders from hobbits but this hobbit was scary. The scariest hobbit he'd ever met actually. "Ready when y'all are." Cyrus bellowed, his hillbilly twang bleeding through the veneer of professionalism.

Lydia almost smiled at Kyra. "Ill be fine. And it won't go South." She said confidently. She opened the door and led the way down stairs. The senator and governor were both bound to chairs, rags tied over their mouths. "Everyone except Cynthia, Cyrus, and Kyra, leave please. I need 6 people outside the house for eyes. Everyone else go home." Within seconds, the room had cleared out. Lydia approached the two men and removed the rags from their mouths. "I'm sorry about them manhandling you two." She started as she pulled a chair up and sat in front of them.

"Lydia." The way Senator Prescott hissed her name was more than enough to reveal the hatred he'd built for her over the years.

"It's not so great being on the other end of capture, is it?" Lydia said, her voice calm and collected. "I think it's time we have a heart to heart senator."

Cynthia raised her eyebrows when Lydia removed the rags and just sat down. She assumed it was whatever she talked about with Cyrus that had changed plans.

Kyra stood by Lydia's chair, her demeanor calm as she slipped her hands into the pockets of her jacket. With the hood down her dreads were on full display - the silvery white dipping into crimson that matched her eyes. She gazed at Senator Prescott. "No need to be so hostile, sir." She said in an almost soft tone. "We're not here to harm you." She turned her gaze to Lydia, waiting to see what she'd do.

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