A Kiss To The Cheek (JP)

Johnathan followed Khunara out of the room silently. Once out of the room, he reached out and put a hand on her shoulder, gently, so that it didn't feel like he was pulling her. "Are you okay?" He asked, noting the defeated sigh.

Khunara turned to look at Johnathan and slowly let out a heavy breath. "Yes, I'm...I'm just stressed that I couldn't help is all." She explained.

Johnathan gently wrapped his arms around Khun, resting his chin on top of her head. "You have helped him. If it weren't for you, he would've died when he first got here. Shapeshifters are incredibly rare, there's not a lot of information on how to help them." He reassured her, speaking softly.

"I'm honestly unsure how to help any further than I already have..." Khunara couldn't help but lean into Johnathan. His warmth and his arms around her were a comfort she hadn't felt before, a safety she'd never felt. "I just hope Axo can assist in helping him calm down enough to control his power. I've done all I can to understand the complexities of shapeshifters, but there are no written texts about Gifted people that are easy to get my hands on."

Johnathan held her for a few seconds longer before letting his arms drop. He gently grabbed one of her hands and met her gaze. "Well, with you as a part of our team now, I'm sure we will have a better understanding of all gifts. You get to work closely with all kinds of mutants. Give it some time, you'll have answers eventually."

Meeting his gaze, Khunara gently squeezed Johnathan's hand and nodded, a small smile forming on her face. "Thank you," She spoke gently. "With you encouraging me, I'm sure I'll figure things out in no time." A part of her didn't want to let go of him, but there was a job to be done. She had other patients in need of her aid and observation. In fact, she was pretty sure she had a patient in need of a small surgery today. How she was going to pull that off was going to be magic, she was sure of it.

"I have to finish what I can of organizing the paperwork on my desk. " Johnathan said with a soft smile. "You can page me, or come get me, if you need anything at all."

"Same to you, by the way." Khunara said before getting up on her tip-toes and kissing his cheek. It was a bold move, but she had to do it before she could chicken out! Back down on her feet, a blush on her face, she strode off to tend to others in need.

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