No Gifted Allowed (JP)

The Gifted Settlement - Story, Wyoming

Perrine stopped what he was doing to pay attention to Honey and her discovery. “Zhe fownd freshh graves.”

He went with them to see for himself. These were made by whoever did this. Most likely in their defense some had perished. These graves wouldn’t account for all the inhabitants, so the group that did this must have had the means to capture and not just kill. In addition, where the graves were made it seem like they were trying to hide all evidence. It made him think it was EAST. Other less organized and public groups wouldn’t care to be this thorough.

Perrine nodded to Sophia. “Good chanz tis Est… Eest.” He used his hands to signal that he wasn’t entirely sure though, there wasn’t any hard evidence. He didn’t look as excited by his next words. “On to Stoory city tu trade noow.” Without this settlement available, the next closest place, about ten miles away, was a settlement of humans in the main part of the city. He had dealing with them before but they were anti-Gifted, aggressive and not keen on outsiders. It was definitely less ideal.

"Okay," Sophia replied simply and pulled her hair back. Pulling up her hood, she hid her hair beneath it and returned to the cart. An empty coldness was in her gut as she climbed back onto the cart and let Honey join next to her. The wolf-dog let out another whine, ears folded back with concern as she expressed her worries to the other animals.

All they really could do was move on. Heading back was not an option at the moment.

Perrine called to Luna and the wagon began moving again. It was a slower pull due to the increased items added in the back. As they were going, Perrine was deep in thought with a serious look on his face. He finally spoke to Sophia, “wen git cluser, I go in aloon.” It wasn’t presented as a question, but a statement. “No safe foor yu.”

Sophia stared at him, looking mostly normal with her hood up. "I've been to places that don't welcome mutants, Perrine. I'll be fine." She replied after a moment to understand his words.

Perrine grimaced in disagreement. In addition, he was giving her a slightly annoyed … though understanding … look. It was the kind that said, my business my rules.

He wasn’t doubting that she had been to places that don’t welcome mutant. She was more than welcome to continue doing so. But he would not be one to entertain that while selling and trading with established clients.

He shook his head no, to double down on his decision. “No. Dey expec me. Kno me. Yu stan owt az Givted.” He gestured to her appearance.

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