Unfortunate Clues (JP)

The Gifted Settlement - Story, Wyoming

Nodding, Sophia went around for the next half hour in search through each house. Nothing much was found, but she did grab small things that would come in handy or be useful. It wasn't much, but she found uses for everything and some of these things would help with cooking and hunting. Some of it, she hoped, Perrine would find a use for.

The entire time, Honey had sniffed around and checked on things. She even growled at some places, but there was no sign of actual life at the moment. In fact, she nudged at Sophia at one point, which was a sign to get moving.

"Okay," The white haired wind user replied and brushed a hand over Honey's head before returning to Perrine. She set down a few things he might find useful and sighed heavily. "Found no blood, so I assume no one was injured. Honey didn't seem to like what she smelled, though..."

Perrine likewise scrounged around the settlement. It was apparent that they weren’t coming back. He collected tools, both for gardening and for construction. Cutlery, pots, dishes, and other kitchen items. Non-perishable food as well as non-spoiled food made the wagon as well. It took him several trips back and forth from place to place. He was particular in his choosing, not taking everything, but only things which would catch others interest or he could put to good use for his own travels.

No true weapons were found, which pushed his concerns more to the worse case scenario. Whoever, pillaged the settlement must have taken them. His assumption was they were of the more militant persuasion, since so many very useful items were left behind. And it wasn’t a faction looking for a place to settle, because they would have still been there.

It was while he was looking through a clothes line of drying clothes when he noticed a corner of a stare railing to a modestly constructed cabin had a splintering that resembled something similar to a stray bullet mark.

Taking down a Gifted community is possible, but usually not easy. Whoever did this was tactical and professional.

Perrine pointed out the clue he found to Sophia. “Night be attac. Looc mor cloos, ok?”

As Sophia spoke with Perrine, Honey continued her search. The wolf-dog sniffed around, walking on and on until she found something a bit away from the small village. Ears folded back, she whined and rushed back to the pair.

When Honey returned, she nudged at both Sophia and Perrine, trying to tell them about the fresh graves she'd found. There were odd scents and marks that came from those not gifted, as well.

"Do you know what she's saying?" Sophia asked Perrine. It was never too easy to figure out what the wolf-dog was saying, but she usually followed and figured it out. Though, to save time, she hoped Perrine would translate. "She's distressed. What did you fine, Honey?"

Following her companion, Sophia spotted the graves the closer they got and stopped near them. Her heart broke for those that had died and she looked back toward Perrine once more. There wasn't much to say, sadly.

"We should get moving..." She whispered, a hand settled on Honey's head out of anxiety.

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