No Wolves Allowed Either (JP)

The Gifted Settlement - Story, Wyoming

Sophia was silent as she stared at him and chose to keep quiet as she slowly pet Honey. She didn't truly agree with his decision, but she would respect it. If something bad happened, though, she'd rush in to help him. For now, she stayed silent and waited for them to arrive.

Honey whined her concern again and made sure Perrine understood what Sophia's intentions were.

Perrine yipped back to Honey that he understood her perspective, but it was just too risky. He barked to the wolf how she would stand out like a sore thumb and attract unwanted attention and questions. It was too dangerous, he relayed, and growled that Honey should keep her from venturing into the city at all costs.

Perrine was then silent as they continued with a tense and awkward silence. He was typically silent, but now it was obvious he was judging Sophia in regards to whether she was going to listen or not. He wasn’t sure what she would do, but he could empathetically feel her disagreement.

As they grew closer, she looked at Perrine. "I'll stay out of the town, but I can't sit still. I'm going to search around for plants and useful things. Fine some medicinal herbs if I can. Maybe trap some more food for us, but I can't sit still." She explained.

Sitting still made her feel like she was at home with her horrible father.

Perrine gave her a thumbs up. He seemed to relax after that, satisfied with her final decision.

As they neared, the raven cawing back and forth between the murder and Perrine increased. Eventually the wagon came to a halt. They were just outside the city limits, far enough to avoid binoculars and periscopes.

Perrine looked to Sophia and waited for her to exit. “Unlode wat yu need.”

Sophia hopped from the wagon and gestured for Honey to stay with Perrine. "Protect him." She instructed. "If anything goes wrong in there, keep him safe, Honey. He's a friend..." She stroked the wolf-dog's neck gently and grabbed her needed supplies before stepping back. Glancing around, she gestured to a lone tree. "I'll meet you there later."

With that said, she stepped away to go in search of herbs and berries of any kind that might help.

He gave her another thumbs up to the meeting location.

Perrine didn’t start up the wagon. He looked to Honey and shook his head no. Pointing to Sophia he snarled, ~~~You cannot come with me. Wolves are not allowed. You must go with her, not me. Understand?~~~

Perrine would not continue until the wolf departed from his company. He patiently waited. His snarling was not mean, it was just expressing a stern emotion.

Honey snorted and hopped off the wagon, sitting by the tree.

Perrine sighed in relief. A wolf in town was either going to get itself killed, him killed, or both. He was glad Honey chose to stay.

Luna then moved on, leaving Sophia and Honey behind. He didn’t look back, but only forward. This had an element of risk to it, any encounter did, but it was a calculated risk with a very reasonable probability of success.

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