
Placing her hands and knees against the wet cement, Lydia began crawling through a narrow tunnel that would lead to an open storm drain in a creak. Her slender frame allowed her to crawl faster than most others would've been able to. Within an hour, she made her way to the surface, where she would hide in a creek away from the nosey city. She climbed a tree and sat on one of the lower branches, swinging her feet as she waited patiently for Johnathan to come.
Red and blue lights flashed in the rearview, accompanied by the wail of a police siren. Johnathan sighed in annoyance and pulled the van to the side of the road. An officer came to his window, blinding Johnathan with a ridiculously bright flashlight. "Sir, I need you to place both hands on your head and step out of the vehicle slowly." The officer said in a demanding voice, but a calm tone. Johnathan complied, doing exactly as he was told.
"Do you know why I pulled you over?" The officer asked, giving Johnathan a chance to explain why he was driving the van Lydia had been in a little more than an hour ago.
"I have an idea as to why. Some teenage thugs stole my van and drove off. I had a friend take me to the city, but we found my van on the side of the road on the outskirts. Ironically enough, I'm on my way to the station now to file a report." Johnathan staged a genuinely upset expression, his tone even more convincing.
"Can you describe any of the kids you saw in your car?" The officer asked, crossing his arms.
"Yes sir. The driver looked to be older, maybe around 18 or 19. The passenger was a younger girl, brown hair in a braid with a red ribbon. I got a good look at her because she flipped me off as they drove away. Ya know, I live on a decent sized plot of land that I grew up on. Up until the rupture, I haven't seen any thugs in that area. The damn mutants are getting out of control." He said, lowering his arms from his head to light a cigarette.
The officer chuckled and nodded; "Yeah, I get it. They act like animals. Who knows, maybe they are animals - they sure as hell aren't human."
Johnathan nodded and took a drag from his cigarette. "Can I give you my number, officer? I just want to know if y'all find anything of interest on the thugs stealing cars and wrecking havoc."
The officer handed him a notepad and pen, allowing Johnathan to write down his cellphone number. "I'll file a report for you, we'll send you something in the mail for you to send back signed. What was your name again son?" The officer asked, taking the notepad back and holding his hand out.
Johnathan shook the officers hand with a grin, the cigarette hanging from his lips. "Johnathan Mayberry, sir. You have a good night."

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