Mrs. Johnson is a Snitch

Johnson’s Grocery - Sheridan, Wyoming

The police officers at Johnson's grocery store were determined to gather any scrap of information they could about the elusive mutant named Lydia. They knew that Finlay had been present during the encounter, and they aimed to extract every possible detail from him.

One of the officers, a stern-faced man with a notepad in hand, began the questioning. "Young man, can you describe the person who bumped into you earlier? Anything you noticed about her appearance or any distinguishing features?"

Finlay furrowed his brows, doing his best to sound as candid as possible. "Well, she was much shorter," he started, offering a neutral description. "Brown hair, green eyes I think, and fair skin. She had a single braid down her back. That's about all I remember."

The second officer, a bit more persistent, chimed in. "Did she say anything to you? Did she seem agitated or nervous?"

Finlay thought carefully before responding. "No, not really," he replied. "She bumped into me, yelled sorry and then just ran off. I didn't even get a chance to say anything."

The officers exchanged a glance, their suspicion not entirely quelled. They continued to press for more information, seeking to uncover any hidden details. "Did she mention anything about her destination, a woman named Cynthia, or why she was in such a hurry?"

Finlay, trying to remain as composed as possible, shook his head. "No, she didn't say anything. It was all so sudden."

His father, standing nearby, watched the exchange with a knowing look. He recognized his son's attempts to dodge the questions while trying not to sound suspicious. Finlay had always been a bit of an honest free spirit, and his reluctance to fully cooperate with the authorities was evident.

The officers weren't entirely satisfied with Finlay's responses, but for the moment, they had to accept what little information he had provided. They jotted down his account and thanked him for his cooperation, promising to follow up with any leads.

As the officers moved on to continue their investigation, Finlay and his father exchanged a brief glance. Finlay felt guilty for lying and realized his dad would press him later for the truth.

Meanwhile, one of the cops questioning others that had been present was getting told by Mrs. Johnson, co-owner of the store, something that seemed to catch the cops attention. Mrs. Johnson was pointing at Finlay in exasperation and directing the cops attention at the young boy. The cop immediately got on his radio. A few moments later the cop, with a few other officers, stopped Finlay and his dad just before they were about to be dismissed and leave.

“Excuse us Mr. Wyndwood and Finlay, we need you to stick around just a little while longer.” The cop said sternly enough to make Finlay worry.

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