15yr old psycho

Once free of the officer that pulled him over, Johnathan set off to the emergency pick up spot on the other side of the city. Not wanting to call Lydia's phone and give away her location, he instead hoped that she'd be waiting for him where they had agreed several months ago that she'd hide in case of emergency. He rubbed the space between his eyebrows in frustration, knowing that the moment they got home, Cynthia was going to show her... less gentle side. The drama between sisters... or even between a mother and daughter dynamic.. was never something he felt comfortable being around. Worse than that though, if he returned without Lydia, Cynthia just might kill him. His frustration and worry grew when the sight of EMTs working on a police officer caught Johnathan's gaze. "Lydia.... what did you do now." He whispered to himself. Flashes of memories distracted his thoughts - memories of the many times 15 year old Lydia somehow managed to get the better of much larger opponents. that why you're the head of a small army of mutants. Psycho. he jested in his own mind, as if he were talking to Lydia.

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