The Ransacked Settlement (JP)

The Gifted Settlement - Story, Wyoming

Perrine and his group had been traveling for days, avoiding main roads as they made their way through the twisted wilderness of the post-Rupture world. The journey was grueling, marked by dense forests, strange fungi, and mutated creatures lurking in the shadows. Luna, the loyal horse, pulled their wagon steadily, carrying the linens, food, seeds, meats, skins, and medical supplies Perrine intended to deliver to a peaceful Gifted settlement outside Story, Wyoming.

As they neared their destination, the landscape shifted—the dense forest thinned, giving way to more open terrain. The usual sounds of wildlife faded into an eerie silence, and Gabriel, the raven, swooped down with an urgent warning. Something was wrong ahead.

Tension gripped Perrine as they approached the settlement. From a distance, it became clear that something terrible had happened. The cluster of homes stood eerily silent, doors swinging open, gardens overgrown with weeds, and belongings scattered across the ground. What should have been a thriving community was instead a scene of devastation.

As they cautiously entered the settlement, the full extent of the destruction became apparent. Window shutters were broken, furniture overturned, and the paths between homes were marked with deep ruts. The people Perrine had hoped to help were gone, leaving behind only the remnants of their hurried departure; or worse.

Perrine brought the wagon to a stop in the center of the settlement, the supplies useless in the absence of those who needed them. Gabriel landed beside him, scanning the area with sharp eyes. Perrine's hand tightened around the crowbar at his side, even though the murder of ravens surveying the area informed him that no souls were in sight. The weight of the empty settlement pressed on him.

Sophia had stayed caught up with Perrine the entire time, taking moments here and there to hunt, but she was never far behind the young man. Her mind would wonder every now and then when she was taking a break and riding with him. She was full of concern and other thoughts. They were still too close to her old home, but she doubted anyone she knew would appear.

Sadly, their arrival was met by the raven and she frowned at the sight of the town before them. "Was it EAST?" She asked softly, turning her head to Perrine. She had learned about them, known they existed, but had yet to run into anyone from it. At least not personally, anyway. It made her realize that luck she had with avoiding them might be running out.

Hesitating, she stepped forward and went to one of the swinging doors. With a hand, she stopped it and glanced inside.

No one.

Turning back to Perrine, she shook her head. "What do you want to do?" She asked him. "Move on?"

Perrine dismounted from the Wagon and sent Gabriel back up into the sky. He looked around sadly. In his travels, he had seen on more than one occasion groups that had to pick up and flee or were overwhelmed by a less hospitable faction. From the first glance of his surroundings this looked like the latter situation.

He shrugged his ignorance when she asked about it being EAST, it was too soon to tell. EAST was not usually the first problem those out here had to contend with. There were many other groups to primarily fear. He called out to Sophia, “Vook awound. Be karefool. Gathor anythin ooseful for twade r uz.”

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