To See The Sky (JP)

Thomas didn't speak while Evie was eating. He cooked her a plain cheeseburger, then arranged toppings for her to pick from on the table. He mused at how something as simple as food could fill a person with such euphoria. "Did you enjoy your meal Evelyn?" Thomas asked softly, washing the dishes he used to cook.

Evie was thankful these people never spoke of her by her nickname. They weren't her friends, after all, but she still felt odd having someone say her first name. Not that she was going to stop the doctor from using the name, though.

Making sure she'd wiped her face clean of anything that might have gotten on her, she set her napkin aside and watched Thomas. "It was good," She answered in a neutral tone. Hell, it had been delicious, the best thing she'd eaten in years. "You said you wanted to talk...?"

"Yes, I would like to talk. I'm sure you have many questions." Thomas dried his hands, then tossed the towel over the faucet head. As he came out from behind the counter he removed the apron he was wearing and retrieved his blazer. "Why don't you accompany me to the roof? I recall you wanting to see the sky?"

The sky. Yes, she desperately wanted to see the sky again, feel the air brushing her skin and smell nature. Sadly, she doubted she'd be allowed to actually leave this hell hole.

"Yes," She said with a nod and stood up. The clean clothes she wore were more of a simple blouse and jeans with a pair of comfortable boots. She also had on a jacket because with how thin she was she kept getting cold rather easily. It was odd to actually have all of her skin from the shoulders down covered for once. She was actually able to hide all the ugly scars now.

Making sure nothing was on her from her enjoyment of the food, she decided to follow the doctor to the roof. Now, all she needed to do was spit out all her questions. This was a difficult task for someone who had been quiet for so long, told that she wasn't allowed to ask questions for years.

So, she went with the most simplest of things. "What's your name? You never introduced yourself."

Thomas opened the door and gestured for Evie to follow, "My name is Dr. Rideout, but my friends call me Tom."

She was silent for a moment as she stepped through the door. "What do you want me calling you, sir?"

"That depends," Thomas whispered as they walked toward the elevator, "If you consider yourself my friend, Tom is fine. If you do not, Thomas or Dr. Rideout are acceptable. I leave the choice to you. Think about it while we ride up to the roof." Thomas swiped his access badge against the elevator control panel, revealing a touch screen with a button for roof access. The ride was quick, lasting less than a minute. As the door opened, a rush of brisk, autumn air filled the elevator. The sun was still up, but setting over the horizon, and the view was phenomenal. The E.A.S.T. facility in Cheyenne was the tallest building in the city. "After you Evelyn," Thomas said.

Evie had to think about his words for a moment, contemplate what he'd told her. She wasn't too keen on calling this man her friend yet. Sure, he was being nice, but was he trustworthy? There was no real way to find out yet.

The rush of brisk air was enough to make the silver haired young woman close her eyes for a moment. Flashes of her childhood sprang to mind as she recalled days where she'd run around in autumn leaves and played with her father. They were foggy memories, lost ones.

Stepping out onto the roof, she glanced around, almost twirling in place. "This is..." It was a bit crude, really. Standing on a roof didn't feel exactly outside, but it was the best she was going to get for now. "This is nice." She admitted, finding the right word. It wasn't perfect, but it was good enough.

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