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Character D

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Sins Of The Father

As they walked down the hallway, Demitri slipped his hands into the pockets of his cargo pants. His brown eyes glanced between the two guards that flanked him. The fact they hadn't jumped onto him was enough to let him know that he'd guessed right about the person that had been Johnathan earlier.

Reaching the doorway to his room, he stopped in his tracks. “You know, that wasn't him, right?” He inquired coldly.

Both of them grimaced and didn't answer. That alone was answer enough for the hunter, though.

Stepping into his room, he took a seat on the bed and let out a heavy sigh, casting his brown eyes down toward his hands. Hands that were stained with the blood of many mutants he hunted over the past six years for EAST. Flashes of actual blood crossed his mind and he closed his eyes tightly for a moment. Opening them, his hands were back to normal – no blood caking them.

For years he'd told himself it was all for Evie, for his precious daughter. It was all to get her back. At this point, though, he knew he was just a dog listening to orders because of a false hope. They were never going to return her to him. That should have been very clear from the beginning, but as a father he'd held out hope and worked hard to achieve his goal of getting her back.

Faces began to flash before his mind's eye. They were victims of his hunts, people that had done nothing wrong aside from being born. Each face was someone he had shot down or captured for EAST, a reminder of all the sins he'd committed to get Evie back.

It had all been in vain.

Something crashed and he realized he'd tossed a table in the room over. Looking toward the doorway, he found both his guards leaning into the room with concerned expressions on their faces.

“Apologies,” He said and pushed back his blond hair. “I'm...stressed.”

“Your daughter?” The woman asked.

Demitri nodded and started to pick the table up, setting it right. “Again, I apologize. I feel I should be doing something...I don't do well just sitting still.”

The woman nodded in understanding and looked at her partner for a moment before speaking up again. “Sadly, we have to keep you down here and under supervision,” She explained to the hunter.

“I know,” Demitri replied as he slid the chair to the table and stretched the best he could with his injured shoulder. “Do you mind if I do some workout exercises? Get energy out?”

“That's fine,” The man replied. “We'll be out here if you need anything, sir.”

“Thank you,” Demitri's replied was soft as he flexed his fingers and began some simple stretches. He needed to work out this antsy feeling eating away at him. The only way to that was to follow his old routine, keeping himself physically busy.

It was all he could do...

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