Persephone and Hades (JP Pt. 3)

Resisting the urge to pull her hand away, Evie let Thomas lead her along. Inside the elevator, she gazed at the buttons for a moment. "Which one?" She asked, wanting to do more than just follow.

"Well that depends," Thomas said, "If you want to go to your room first and freshen up, then you press floor 6. If you want to go to the roof and see the sky, press floor 8."

Which one did she want first? The sky was so close, yet so far away right now, but she could already feel fatigue eating away at her. No food for the past few hours meant she was going to be drained quickly, despite the jolt of adrenaline that syringe had given her.

"You said we'll be outside after I...freshen up, right?" She asked just to make sure. "If so, then I'll wait..." She'd been patiently waiting this long. What was a little more time?

She pressed floor 6.

The elevator rose the the sixth floor and the door opened to reveal a long hallway. There were a few workers on this floor, but they didn't appear to be doing anything. In fact, they were all dressed in casual clothing, one was even in pajama pants. "This is the residential floor of the facility Evelyn. Your room is this way." Thomas exited the elevator, not even bothering to look back and check if Evie was following. He knew she was.

Evie gazed at the people for a moment before picking up her pace in order to catch up with Thomas. It was so odd to see others dressed so casually when all she'd seen for years were doctors and soldiers in charge of keeping her in line. The change was nice, though. Almost refreshing on its own, but she was still a little suspicious of this man. That didn't stop her from following him to her new room.

A part of her - childish as it was - still hoped she'd find a way out and get her father back.

Thomas swiped a key card against one of the apartment doors. As they walked inside, Evie saw it was a full sized condo. There was a kitchen, a very comfy looking bed with a TV on the opposite wall, and a bathroom to the left. "The closet is in the bathroom. You can clean up and put on some new clothes. Most of what's in there should fit, I had my people prepare the room for you before my arrival. I'll cook you something in the meantime, what would you like to eat Evelyn?" Thomas asked as he began opening the cabinets in the kitchen.

Evie was perplexed by this turn of events now, not sure how to feel about having this man cook her a meal. She had to think about it, ponder the possibilities that were available to her now. "Is there...steak?" She asked, a hand going to her now audibly growling stomach. When was the last time she'd had real meat to eat? Real protein? She couldn't recall.

Thomas chuckled, "That would be something wouldn't it? Let's see here..." He opened the freezer and shifted a few things around. "We don't have any ribeye in here, but we do have some ground beef and there's buns in the cabinet. How about a nice, juicy cheeseburger?"

She was already salivating at just the mention of it. "That would be nice," She spoke almost softly, confusion still riddling her mind. That skeptical part of her was starting to think this was just a dream and she'd wake up in that horrible bed again. Pinching her arm told her that this was no dream, though. Reality was that she'd just killed a man like it was nothing just moments ago and now she was in here.

Could this really be the same facility she'd been stuck in all this time? Pushing the thoughts away, she walked toward the bathroom. Inside, she flipped the light on and began to carefully take in all the details from the lovely sink to the shower on the far side of the room. It felt like she was in one of those fancy hotels her father used to tell her about.

With a glance back to Thomas, she closed the door to have some privacy. It was indeed time to freshen up and shed off the ragged clothes that had been her life for six long years.

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