One Soul Collected (JP Pt.2)

Evie's blue eyes watched the syringe for a moment. She did want her power back, but she also didn't know if she could truly trust this man. Not even Hayden was willing to let her walk around freely without some kind of watchdog trailing her.

But what other choice did she have?

"Deal," She stated stiffly, silently hoping this wouldn't put her body into overdrive and cause a heart attack or something.

Thomas grinned slightly, then he gently inserted the syringe into her femoral artery and injected the entire dose. Within seconds Evie would feel a hot rush of power. "Dr. Venderson," Thomas returned to English, "I would step back if I were you."

"Huh?" The doctor asked in confusion before taking notice of what was going on with Evelyn. The sparks in her hair were growing wild, lashing out as leaned forward. Those normally oceanic eyes were flashing a silvery hue that sent chills down the poor man's spine. He instantly knew what was coming and practically jumped to the side.

It was just in time, too. With a hand raised, Evie sent a bolt of lightning arching around Thomas. The heat would be felt as it shot toward Kalahan, zigzagging slightly as if she were playing with the soldiers - giving him just enough time to realize his life was literally flashing before his eyes.

A loud scream was heard as the poor man got the shock of a lifetime. Too bad for him, he wouldn't survive it.

Thomas watched as the soldier's skin melted from his bones. The smell of burning meat almost aroused his appetite. Thomas did love barbecue. After a few moments, the soldier was little more than a spent block of charcoal. Thomas stood up from his chair, his eyes catching the other doctor's. "What the fu-" Hayden stammered. "Why- why did you let her do that?"

"He should've opened the door when I told him to. Evelyn," Thomas' voice always took a softer tone when he spoke the girl's name, "Do you want to hurt me or Dr. Venderson?"

"You haven't given me reason to want to," Evie answered, staring at Thomas now. She had adrenaline running through her at the moment, but it would soon become exhaustion from lack of real nutrition and proper health. The girl needed to get herself back in shape, but she wondered if this man would allow that or would they put her back to sleep?

Hayden gulped and took a step back, realizing too late that it was a wall, not the doorway.

"Nor do I intend to. Dr. Venderson, if Evelyn has no desire to hurt us, I see no reason to keep her in a cage. Wouldn't you agree." Thomas asked coldly. Hayden knew better than to say anything other than, "Yes.. Sir. I agree"

"Wonderful, Evelyn, I've had a room prepared for you upstairs. There's fresh clothes, your own bathroom and shower and even a new television. After you refresh yourself and eat something, would you like to take a walk with me outside?"

Evie perked up at the mention of outside. "You mean where I can see the sky?" She asked, hope in her eyes for the first time in six years.

Thomas smiled, actually smiled, "Well of course. We have a lot to discuss, and I much prefer the fresh air." As he escorted Evie out of the cell, he handed Dr. Venderson the empty syringe. "Have someone clean this mess up. I'll take Evelyn upstairs to her room."

"Y-y...yes sir," Hayden replied as he took the syringe. "You...she may suffer withdrawals, sir." He spoke out of true concern for Evie, something most wouldn't even think of before he rushed off to get someone to clean what was once Kalahan. Even he wasn't going to miss that man.

Evie was a little unsteady on her feet at first as she climbed out of the bed, but she wouldn't have accepted anyone's help in this either way. By the time Thomas was done talking with Hayden, though, she was stepping up near him, hair still sparking with joy at the slight bit of freedom she was already getting.

Thomas nodded to the doctor in acknowledgement, then extended a soft hand to steady the girl as she stood up. "Follow me young lady." He said as he walked toward the elevator.

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