Together Again

Johnson’s Grocery - Sheridan, Wyoming

As Finlay cautiously approached Johnson's grocery store, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He had just been running from cops alongside an apparent fugitive. The presence of cop cars parked nearby, their flashing lights casting an eerie glow, added to the tension in the air. He had to tread carefully; he had no idea what had transpired in his absence.

Taking a few hesitant steps further into the area, Finlay realized that the officers paid him no mind. His heart rate slowed as he remembered that no one had witnessed his transformation, so there was no reason for them to be looking for him. He glanced around, his gaze falling on an ambulance nearby, where the rotund cop with the dislocated arm was being treated.

His primary concern, however, was finding his father. He noticed his dad standing near the entrance of the grocery store, a bag of items in hands that Finlay had dropped earlier. Relief washed over Finlay; he had found his dad.

"Hey, Dad," Finlay greeted him, his voice a mixture of emotions. His father turned, his eyes widening with relief as he saw his son safe and sound. They shared a heartfelt reunion, a moment of genuine happiness in the midst of the commotion.

But their reunion was short-lived. The police officers, noticing Finlay's presence, approached the young man with a series of questions. The owner of the grocery store had mentioned that Finlay had been there when Lydia, the fugitive, had been spotted earlier, and the cops were eager to gather any information that could aid in their pursuit.

As the officers began their inquiries, Finlay couldn't help but wonder about the complexities of the situation he had unwittingly walked into. His very brief encounter with Lydia had led to a chain of events that had now entangled him with the law enforcement's pursuit of the enigmatic fugitive so it seemed.

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