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Sewer - Sheridan, Wyoming

Finlay stood there, the soft kiss on his cheek from Lydia still lingering as a welcomed surprise. It was a gesture he hadn't expected, but it had warmed his heart in the midst of the darkness of the sewer tunnel. He watched her receding figure, her flashlight casting long shadows along the damp walls, until even her silhouette was swallowed by the darkness.

Finlay turned his tires attention to the task at hand. He carefully climbed the metal rungs, each step bringing him closer to the manhole above. The sounds of distant cars occasionally reverberated through the tunnel, a reminder of the world waiting for him outside.

As he reached the top of the ladder, he paused, listening for the telltale signs of traffic. With patience, he timed his ascent, waiting for a lull in the passing vehicles. With a swift, practiced motion, he forced the manhole open just enough to slip through.

Emerging into the open air, he found himself in a downtown side street flanked by buildings. Replacing the manhole cover as discreetly as he could, he took a moment to regain his bearings. The familiar sights of the town greeted him, including a few strange looks from pedestrians, and he knew he had to head back to the general store where his dad's truck was parked outside.

Upon arriving at the store, however, he was met with an unsettling absence. His dad was nowhere to be seen, neither inside the store nor near the truck. Concern gnawed at him as he approached the family friend who owned the store.

"Hi Mr. Larson," Finlay began, his voice laced with worry. "Have you seen my dad? I went to run an errand, and he was supposed to be waiting here." The family friend explained that his dad had grown concerned about his prolonged absence and had gone to Johnson's grocery store, hoping to find him there.

With a sense of urgency, Finlay made his way to Johnson's grocery, the minutes ticking by as he retraced his steps through the town blocks. The encounter with Lydia in the sewer tunnel still fresh in his mind, he couldn't help but wonder if she would be alright.

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